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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Traditional Adivasi Dance In Vyara - Year Of Faith 2012-2013

 Year Of Faith 2012-2013 was celebrated on 28-10-2013 on Sunday morning in Vyara, South Gujarat. Adivasi from 20 parish villages joined with Bhajan Dance at Vyara church. There were 480 people performed Adivasi Dance on stage. The songs were composed by the villagers for Year of Faith and were...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Golden Jubilee Of Sabarkatha Mission

The first Adivasi priest from Sabarkatha Mission Rev. Fr. Kimji Dund, shares the History of Sabrkatha Mission. He also shares the hard time the first Christians had to go through. સાબરકાંઠા વિસ્તારના સૌ પ્રથમ આદિવાસી પુરોહિત રેવ ફાં  કીમજી ડુંડ અહી સાબરકાઠાની ધર્મસભાનો ઈતિહાસ અને પહેલા પીઢ  મિશનરી સ્વ ફા એસ્પાસા એસ જે નું આદિવાસી ભાઈઓ અને બહેનો માટે કરેલ કાર્યો અને પ્રથમ ખ્રિસ્તી ભાઈ બહેનોને...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Letter of the Pope for the Year Of Faith In Gujarati

Please click on the slideshow and scroll to read the Letter of the Pope Benedict XVI  for the Year Of  Faith 2012-2013  in Gujarati. For LARGER view click the below Slideshare icon.          ^ Please click on " Slideshare " icon for large view and download - BBN...

Rev. Fr. Gil Pablo on Year Of Faith 2012-2013

Yesterday there was a meeting for the preparation of Year Of  Faith 2012-2013 at Bishop's House, Vadodara. Rev. Fr. Gil Pablo S.J. shared his experience and Christian values during the meeting. Please click on the video Video By B...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Year Of Faith inaugurated at Gamdi-Anand

Please click on video BBN Te...

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Testament in Braille

At Ghandhinagar Cathedral  Please click on the video for the inauguration which was held at Ghandhinagar Cathedral, Ghandhinagar, Gujarat on 12-10-2012. Bible in Braille is published by Rev. Fr. Girish S.J.( Unteshwari, Kadi) first time in the history of the Gujarat Catholic Church. Note: Due...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Rosary Church Feast

Last Sunday there was a celebration in Rosary Church, Vadodara.  Rosary Church arranged Novena last week. Rt. Bishop Thomas Macwan [Ahmedabad Dio ] celebrated the mass on last Sunday....

Saturday, October 6, 2012

petlad medo


Mariam Katha By Rev. Fr. Ignas S.J.

Please click for Mariam Katha organized for Marian Congress last month which was held at St. Mary's School, Nadiad Katha By Rev. Fr. Ignas S.J. ગત મહીને સેન્ટ મેરીસ સ્કુલ , નડિયાદ ખાતે મરિયમ પરિષદ યોજાયેલ, જેમાં રેવ. ફા. ઇગ્નાસ એસ. જે. અને તેમની ટીમ દ્વારા કથા રજુ કરવામાં આવી હતી તેનો એક ભાગ અહી રજુ કરીએ છીએ . - B...