Monday, March 29, 2010


Anand (SAR News) –

National Sahitya Academy Award 1989 winner for his novel “Angaliyat” (Step Child) as the best novel of the year, Mr. Joseph Macwan died on March 28 at Kidney Hospital, Nadiad, Gujarat.

Many newspapers, television channels and All India Radio, Ahmedabad reported on March 27 & 28 the news of the hospitalization of Mr. Macwan due to kidney failure and he was put on ventilator. There was some improvement in his health situation on March 28th morning. But he died while undergoing dialysis.

The funeral Holy Mass was concelebrated in St. Xavier’s Church at Anand. Bishop Thomas Macwan of Ahmedabad led the Mass with 27 concelebrants while the Church was packed and overflowing with about 1000 relatives, friends, well wishers and admirers of Joseph.

His brother-in-law Fr. William Macwan, SJ preached the homily highlighting Joseph’s services to Gujarat as a literary writer and social activist. Earlier at the introduction Bishop Thomas Macwan appreciated Joseph for his courageous stand as a Christian and a defender of Dalit causes and human rights.

Mr. Macwan has written about 40 books including 14 novels and 9 character sketches. A few of his books like “Angaliyat” (Step Child) and “Vyathana Vitak” (Agony of Suffering) has been translated into several Indian languages. Some of his literary works have been serialized by television.

Mr. Macwan has held many responsible positions as a member or an office-bearer in various societies, boards the literary organizations. He was the President of Gujarati Dalit Sahitya Academy, Gandhinagar; and Gujarati Christians Press Council (GCPC).

By profession Mr. Macwan was a Hindi teacher in St. Xavier’s High School, Anand and he received St. Xavier’s Gold Medal 1981 for his long years of outstanding services as a teacher and guide to students.

Mr. Macwan has attended many national and international meetings and conferences in India and abroad.

Gujarati literary world has showered on Mr. Joseph Macwan with many awards and medals. A writer Mr. Yashwant Shukla wrote about Joseph that “the advent of Joseph Macwan in the literary world of Gujarat is really phenomenal.”

Mr. Macwan was a source of inspiration, encouragement and support to young and upcoming writers. He would write Prefaces to their books and give them critical feed backs.

This writer is happy to recall that Mr. Macwan presided and released his first book in Gujarati in a public function held in the hall of Gujarati Sahitya Parishad, Ahmedabad in 1990. Mr. Macwan also introduced this reporter to his publishers, R. R. Sheth & Co. Mumbai-Ahmedabad who have published 16 books in Gujarati by Fr. Varghese Paul, SJ.

A well known short story writer, Mr.Gulabdas Broker has hailed Mr. Joseph Macwan for bringing first time to light the neglected Dalit society through his literary writings. “Mr. Joseph Macwan is a house-hold name in Gujarat,” Mr. Broker said.

Mr. Macwan was born in a small village called Tranol near Kunjarav in Anand district on October 9, 1935. His father was a Catechist. Joseph Macwan leaves behind his wife Reginaben and his four daughters and four sons and their families at Sneh Nilay (his house) in Anand.

News by Fr. Varghese Paul, S.J. (Gujarat)

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5 Add comments:

  1. Congratulations, Dear Vijay,
    your efforts within this three months really praiseworthy with full supports from your well wishers.I AND my Ashish parivar wish you for your future endevours.Our prayers will be with you.we were from vadtal parish.My brother and myself intrested in communication field.

  2. विजय जी,
    जोसेफ मेकवान जी से मेरा दो-तीन साल पहले परिचय हुआ था। फोन पर अकसर लंबी बातचीत होती थी। मिलना नहीं हो पाया। तीन-चार दिन पहले फोन किया तो उनके बेटे अमिताभ जी से जोसेफ जी के देहांत का दुखद समाचार मिला।
    जोसेफ जी का उपन्यास आंगलियात मैंने पढ़ा है और मुझे बहुत पसंद है।
    उनके बारे में मैंने अपनी वेबसाइट लेखक मंच पर लेख प्रकाशित किया है। वेबसाइट का लिंक भेज रहा हूं।

  3. Hi Anurag,
    Thank you for the link. would request you to send me your email id to keep you connected for the same.

  4. I can say proudly that he was my hindi and gujarati teacher.

  5. Really Mr. Maccwan has been a real source for all of us. Infact I feel proud that such a great personality was born in our ANAND.


Thank you and stay connected