Stay tuned...





Sunday, May 29, 2011

ચાવડાપુરામાં માતા મારિયાની ટેકરીનું ઉદ્ઘઘાટન

મેં મહિનામાં ઠેર ઠેર માતા મારિયાની ભક્તિ કેથોલિક સમુદાયમાં કરવામાં આવે છે. માતા મારિયા દ્વારા પ્રભુ આપણી અરજોને સાંભળે  છે. તેઓ તેમના  પુત્ર પ્રભુ ઈશુ ભણી આપણને લઇ જાય છે. આપણી જગ જનની  સર્વેની અરજો પ્રભુ પાસે લઇ જાય.  આજે તા ૨૯-૦૫-૨૦૧૧ રવિવારની સવારે  ચાવડાપુરામાં માતા મારિયાની ટેકરીનું ઉદ્ઘઘાટન ફા. પરેઝાના હસ્તે કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું. બ્ર. એબ્રીલના હસ્તે માતા...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Will Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill...............

Will Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill, 2011, Prove to be an Effective Tool to Deal Communal Violence Rev. Fr. Anand Muttungal Even though people of this country had to wait long to find solutions to the centuries old communal violence history of India, the proposed Bill gives hope...

WE ARE NOT ORPHANS_John 14, 15-21

SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER A - 29 May 2011 WE ARE NOT ORPHANSJohn 14, 15-21 José Antonio Pagola translated by Rev. Fr. Valentine de Souza Rev. Fr.Valentine SJ A Church made up of Christians who relate to a poorly known, little loved and only routinely remembered Jesus, is a church that runs the risk...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Valedictory function of Para Legal Training

65 young adivasi women (28) and men (37) were dancing to the tune of their traditional drum and eagerly waiting to welcome the Chief Guest. It was the occasion of the Valedictory function of their Para Legal Training on 13th May 2011. At 6.00 PM, Mr. Tusharbahi Chaudhary, the State Minister of Road...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunday With e-Sermon by Kathakar Fr.Vinay Macwan SJ

Please click on the video for Sunday With e-Sermon by Kathakar Fr.Vinay Macwan SJ (Khambhat) Special thanks to Kathakar Fr. Vinay Macwan SJ for the e-sermon and for the transport for Golana and Nagara tr...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Celebrating Marriage Anniversary Of BBN correspondent Mr. Kiritbhai Parmar

Jasintaben And Kiritbhai Dear All, It is our immense joy to inform you all that our BBN correspondent Mr. Kiritbhai P. Parmar (Vimal colony) is celebrating his marriage anniversary (21 years) BBN team congratulates him and his wife Jasintaben. We also remember his two children Joy...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Celebrating Marriage Anniversary Of BBN correspondent Mr. Ramesh Y Parmar

Kapilaben And Rameshbhai BBN is celebrating the marriage anniversary of Mr. Ramesh Yohakimbhai Parmar today. Recently he met with an accident and admitted in Medical Hospital,Karamsad. He is better today. He has one Ro daughter known as Romika and Keen his son. His wife Kapilaben is a teacher. They...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


DO NOT REMAIN WITHOUT JESUS John 14, 1-12 José Antonio Pagola (translated in English By fr. Valentine de Souza) Rev. Fr. Valentine de Souza SJ At the end of the Last Supper, Jesus begins to take final leave of his own: he will not be with them much longer. The disciples are bewildered and shocked....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Called To Serve, Not To Be Served."

BBN is at work for its new upcoming activity which will be known as  "Called To Serve, Not To Be Served." This activity will be in video format which will highlight the life of the missionaries who died for the Church Of Gujarat.  Their life will help each one of us grow more in Faith. BBN may visit the mission stations if required, It would be a great help if photos and the documentary...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday with e-Sermon By Fr. Nagin (Anand)

BBN team is planning to provide e-sermons with examples by using the background while the sermon is delivered. Please click the below given e-sermon for the same. Your ideas and inputs will make us better and will help us to work on the areas of improvement. The below given video is just our practice, Will be back soon with perfection on next e-sermon onwards. BBN team is working hard to deliver better. Please...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

BBN correspondent Mr. Rameshbhai met with an accident

Yesterday our BBN correspondent Mr. Rameshbhai Yohakimbhai Parmar from Snehsagar Sco. Anand met with an accident. He is admitted in Karamasad Medical Hospital. He is in critical situation. Would request you all to pray for him and for the family. He has been a great support towards BBN and our Catholic...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sunday With e-sermon By Rev. Fr.Jimmy Dabhi SJ

Sunday With e-sermon By Rev. Fr.Jimmy Dabhi SJ. It was recorded in Gujarati at  Chavdapura Catholic Church. Please click on the video BBN thanks Rev.Fr. Jimmy Dabhi SJ for this beautiful e-serm...

Birthday Of Fr. Vinayak Jadav SJ

Rev.Fr.Vinayak Jadav Sj BBN wishes a very Happy Birthday to Rev. Fr. Vinayak Jadav SJ...

Friday, May 6, 2011


THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER A - 8 May 2011 REMEMBER JESUS MORE - Luke 24, 13-35 - José Antonio Pagola  Rev. Fr. Vally de Souza SJ (Vyara) The story of the disciples of Emmaus describes the experience of two followers of Jesus as they journeyed from Jerusalem to the small village of Emmaus, some eight...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

VATICAN Reflects On Death Of Bin Laden

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Vatican said the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, a man who sowed division and hatred and who caused "innumerable" deaths, should prompt serious reflection about one's responsibility before God, not rejoicing. The Vatican statement May 2 came the day after President...

Monday, May 2, 2011

સલુણ ગામમાં ઈશ્વરની નિત્ય દયાશક્તિનો મેળો

ગઈ કાલે સલુણ ગામમાં ઈશ્વરની નિત્ય દયા શક્તિના મેળાનું આયોજન કરવામાં આવેલું હતું. અહી પોપ જોન પાઉલ બીજાને સુધન્યની પદવી મળી તે માટે રેવ. બિશપ થોમસ મેકવાન દ્વારા ઉપદેશ આપવામાં આવ્યો હતો. આ મેળો જોવા માટે વિડિઓ ઉપર ક્લિક કરો. Yesterday there was a religious get to gather in Salun village near Nadiad. Rev. Bishop Thomas Macwan (Ahmedabad Dio.) celebrated the grand ma...