Wednesday, May 18, 2011



John 14, 1-12

José Antonio Pagola (translated in English By fr. Valentine de Souza)

Rev. Fr. Valentine de Souza SJ
At the end of the Last Supper, Jesus begins to take final leave of his own: he will not be with them much longer. The disciples are bewildered and shocked. Although he does not say it in as many words, they all feel that death will soon snatch him away from them. What will become of them without him? 

   Jesus sees them overwhelmed. It’s the time to reaffirm their faith by teaching them to believe in God in a different way: Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust  in God  trust also in me. They will have to continue trusting in God, but, from now on, they must trust in him too, because he is the best way to trust in God.

   Jesus then reveals to them a new horizon. His death will not be the end of their faith. In fact, he is leaving them to journey to the mystery of the Father. But he will not forget them. He will continue to think of them. He will prepare a place for them in the house of the Father and return to take them with him. At last they will once again be together forever.

   It’s difficult for the disciples to believe something so grandiose. All kinds of doubts and questions arise in their hearts. We, too, share similar thoughts: Isn’t all this a beautiful dream? Isn’t it a misleading illusion? Who can guarantee us a similar destiny? Thomas, with his usual common sense, asks him only one question: How can we know the way that leads to the mystery of God?

   The answer of Jesus is an unexpected challenge:  “I am the way and the truth and the life” Such a bold claim is unknown in the history of religions. Jesus presents himself as the way we can take to enter into the mystery of God, the Father. He can reveal to us the ultimate secret of existence. He can communicate to us the fullness of life the human heart yearns for.

   Many men and women have today been left without paths to God. They aren’t atheists. They have never knowingly rejected God from their lives. Neither do they themselves know whether they believe or not. Quite simply, they have left the Church because they have not found in her a good enough path to seek with joy the ultimate mystery of life which we, believers, call “God”.

   In leaving the Church, some have at the same time abandoned Jesus. I would like to say something to you through these modest lines which many of you already guess: JESUS IS MUCH GREATER THAN THE CHURCH. Do not confuse Jesus with Christians. Do not confuse the Gospels with our sermons. Although you give up everything else, do not remain without Jesus. In him you will find the way, the truth and the life we have not been able to make known to you. Jesus can spring a surprise on you. 

- Special Thanks To Fr. Valentine de Souza SJ


Tell everyone: Jesus is the Way

Source: URL of José Antonio Pagola's Buenas Noticias Web site 

Website for Spanish original and translations:

Jose Antonio Pagola, , San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa, Spain.
English Transation by  (Valentine) Vally de Souza S.J.,   Mandal, Gujarat , India.

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