Friday, August 5, 2011

Relic Of St. Don Bosco_Video

Many people from all over Gujarat visited the Relic (The Hand) Of St. Don Bosco at St. Don Bosco House in Makarpura, Baroda. The Relic arrived yesterday afternoon at 2:00 pm.

Rev. Bishop Godfrey Rosario, Baroda Dio. celebrated Mass at 6:30 pm. Many clergy joined the grand welcoming of the relic. There was also Katha Of Fr. Ignas Sj arranged at 9:00 pm., many people gathered to hear and relish the life of St. Don Bosco Today The Relic was kept open till 8:00 pm and the closing ceremony was celebrated by Rev. Arch. Bishop Stany  (Ghandhinagar Dio. Rev. Bishop thomas Macwan (Ahmedabad Dio.) and Rev. Bishop Godfrey Rosario (Baroda Dio.) 

The Relic will be taken to Nasik tonight. (as discussed with Fr. Mayank SDB)

Please click on the video to watch the Relic

Special thanks to Rev. Fr. Mayank Parmar SDB


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1 Add comments:

  1. Dear Vijaybhai...
    Very Nice & interesting....
    May god Bless u for ur this Ministry...



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