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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014


Orphanage Home visit with Doot editor - Dr. Thomas Parmar

Dt.30-12-2013  BBN team and Dr. Thomas Parmar (Doot editor) visited Matruchaya orphanage Home -Pillar-Nadiad to add more joy and hope. During our visit Dr. Thomas Parmar also shared his concern for the orphanage house. He said that the orphanage home should be kept in our day to day life....

Monday, December 30, 2013

R.I.P.- Fr.Rocky D’Silva, Vicar General of the Arch Diocese of Gandhinagar

 Fr. Rocky D’Silva, Vicar General of the Arch Diocese of Gandhinagar met with an accident just outside of his residence at Pethapur and died ( 30 Dec 2013). His body has been taken to Apollo Hospital for postmortem. He had tea with the Archbishop in the evening and left the house. As he was...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Youth get together at Don Bosco Kapadvanj

આજે તા 29-12-2013 ના રોજ ઉમરેઠ ડીનરીના યુવાનો માટે  ડોન બોસ્કો કપડવંજ દ્વારા સ્નેહ સંમેલનનું આયોજન  કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું. ધર્મસભાની ઉમરેઠની  ઉગતી યુવાપેઢી આજે અહી 48 સંખ્યામાં હાજર રહી હતી. બાળ  ઇસુની જન્મ જયંતીની ઉજવણી અહી રમતો, ગભાણ હરીફાઈ અને ગરબાની રમઝટ સાથે કરવામાં આવી...

Dance N Singing Competition at Town Hall - Anand

અમદાવાદ ધર્મપ્રાંત દ્વારા તા 28-12-2013 ના રોજ આણંદ ટાઉન હોલમાં ગીત સ્પર્ધાનું આયોજન કરવામાં  આવ્યું હતું શહેર અને ગામડાઓમાંથી મોટી સંખ્યામાં યુવા પેઢીએ અને વડીલોએ ભાગ લીધો હતો. મોટી સંખ્યામાં આવેલ શ્રોતાઓનો સંખ્યાથી માહોલ રંગત ભર્યો બની રહ્યો હતો. પુરોહીતગણ  અને  સાધ્વીગણની અને બાળકો...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Amrut Mahotsav - Mahemdavad Church

Amrut Mahotsav was celebrated at Mahemdavad on 24-12-2013. Rev. Bishop Thomas Macwan (Ahmedabad Dio) celebrated the Mass. Please click for more photos Amrut Mahotsav - Mahemdavad Church - BB...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas News and Events

Christmas Celebration at St. Joseph Church - Baroda St. Joseph Church - Baroda 1) 24-12-2013 Mass celebration at St. Joseph Church Baroda, Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Vinayak Jadav. Rev. Jayant Rathod, Rev. Fr. Rapai, Rev. Joseph Mattam and Rev. Fr. Fedelis Please lcik for the photos...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Testing for Radio Service

Testing for BBN Radio service ...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Golden Jubilee of Sr. Scholastica - સિ. સ્કોલાસ્ટીકા આપિયન મેકવાનના સન્યસ્ત જીવનની સુવર્ણ જયંતી

તા.15-12-2013 ના રોજ માતૃછાયા - પિલાર -નડિયાદ ખાતે  સિ. સ્કોલાસ્ટીકા આપિયન મેકવાનના સન્યસ્ત જીવનની સુવર્ણ જયંતીની ઉજવણી કરવામાં આવી હતી.   Please click on the below given link for the photos   Golden Jubilee of Sr. Scholastica ખરેખર કોઈ કવિએ સાચેજ કહ્યું...

Friday, December 13, 2013

Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh apologizes to Archbishop Anil Couto

News By Anto Akkara for CNS New Delhi : Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh apologized to church leaders for the police beating of protesters — including priests and nuns — during a march to Parliament advocating for rights for low-caste Christians. Singh apologized Dec. 12 when...

સ્વ સિસ્ટર મારિયા ઝેવિયર્સ ની 17મી પુણ્યતિથિ

તા 12-12-2013 ના રોજ સ્વ સિસ્ટર મારિયા ઝેવિયર્સ ની 17મી પુણ્યતિથિ તથા જીવનજ્યોત સ્કૂલ ના બે નવા ક્લાસ રૂમ નું ઉદ્ઘઘાટન અને આ મંડળ ચલિત બહેનોની હોસ્ટેલ માટે સંસ્કૃતિક કાર્યક્રમનું આયોજન અહી લીમડાપુરા લિટલ ડોટર્સ  ઓફ સેન્ટ ફ્રાન્સીસ ઝેવિયર્સમાં કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું Please click...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Book Releasing at Unteshvari - "Inspirational Icon"

Please click on the video We are not here to satisfy our elder Ignas Bapu but to pray together to God, the God of Life, that the soul of Fr. Ignacio Ordoñez may ever Rest In Peace (RIP) in His presence and Ignas Bapu may continue to have the beatific vision of God and cherish the eternal life in the company of the angels and saints within the serene environment of the Eternal home of the Father....

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Faith-filled Shraadh – Punyatithi of Fr. IGNACIO José Ordoñez, SJ

  It is exactly a year back on this date 8th December 2012, Feast of Immaculate Conception, about 7.30 am our beloved Ignas Bapu departed from this physical world to the eternal world. On this day about 4 pm from all walks of life, especially from the mission stations where Fr. Ignas laboured...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pope Dedicates 2015 “Year of Consecrated Life”

The Holy Father made the announcement during the 82nd General Assembly of the Union of Superior Generals, which concluded today in Rome.Although a brief meeting with the union was planned, the Holy Father spent an estimated three hours in a question and answer discussion with participants.According...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Sr. Anita Leonie with her mother FINAL VOWS OF SR. ANITA LEONIE  The Final Vows ceremony of Sr. Anita Leonie was held at Mankroda – Bhiloda on 30th November, 2013 at 11.30 am. Rt. Rev. Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandez was the chief Celebrant of the ceremony. Around 23 priests concelebrated...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mother Teresa Memorial Award

Mother Teresa Memorial Award  Fr Cedric Prakash was awarded ‘Mother Teresa memorial Award for Social Justice 2013” by ‘The Harmony Foundation’ on 27 October 2013 at the Leela Hotel, Mumbai.  Here is the MP3 version of an Interview (Part 1)with Fr.Cedric Prakash by Radio Vatican which...

Monday, December 2, 2013

New Provincial - Happy Birthday - Rev. Fr. Francis Parmar

 Rev. Fr. Francis Parmar is the new provincial of the Society Of Jesus- Gujarat Province. Today 02-12-2013, He is celebrating his birthday. Congratulations to him and many many Happy returns of the day and may God bless him Rev. Fr. Francis Parmar (Left) with the people of Mogri village  Fr.Francis...