Monday, December 2, 2013

New Provincial - Happy Birthday - Rev. Fr. Francis Parmar

 Rev. Fr. Francis Parmar is the new provincial of the Society Of Jesus- Gujarat Province. Today 02-12-2013, He is celebrating his birthday. Congratulations to him and many many Happy returns of the day and may God bless him

Rev. Fr. Francis Parmar (Left) with the people of Mogri village

 Fr.Francis Parmar S.j has been appointed as the New Provincial of Gujarat Jesuit province, on 30 November 2013 by the Superior General of Jesuit order, Rev. Fr. Adolfo Nicolas from Rome. He will assume charge a little later.

 Fr.Francis Parmar was born in Nadiad, Gujarat on 02-12-1950. He began his initial training in the Jesuit order at Mt Abu, Rajasthan. After finishing his theological studies at Vidya Jyoti, Delhi, he was ordained a priest on 05-05-1979.

 Having completed his B.A in Gujarati-Sanskrit at Gujarat University, he studied for M.A in Socio-Linguistics at the University of George Town, Washington D.C. He had also done Masters in pastoral theology at Vidya Jyoti, Delhi. All through out his life in the Society of Jesus, he has held very many responsible posts such as Juniorate in-charge, Rector of the formation houses, Dean of the theologate and Principal of two colleges. He was twice elected as the Procurator of Gujarat and he took part in the meetings of the procurators of the Society of Jesus in 1999 and in 2012. The Gujarat Jesuit Province is really blessed in having the first local Jesuit to lead the province as the New Jesuit Provincial of Gujarat. The Gujarat Jesuit Parivar extends best wishes and prayers for a fruitful service in his new responsibility.

News Courtesy
Fr.Lawrence Dharmaraj

Please click for one of his recoeded videos by BBN


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2 Add comments:

  1. અભિનંદન અને શુભેચ્છાઓ !

    આ એક એવી ઐતિહાસિક ક્ષણ છે કે જેમાં પ્રથમવાર નખશીખ ગુજરાતી ઇસુસંઘીને "પ્રોવિન્સિઅલ" બનવાનું માન અને ગૌરવ મળ્યું છે. આપ જયારે વિચક્ષણ બુદ્ધિ પ્રતિભા ધરાવતા અને સ્વપ્નદ્રષ્ટા વ્યક્તિ તરીકેની ઓળખ પ્રસ્થાપિત કરી ચૂક્યા છે ત્યારે આપની આગેવાનીમાં ગુજરાત ઇસુસંઘ ફૂલતો ફાલતો સાચી દિશામાં આગળ વધતો રહેશે અને અમને પણ એના મીઠા ફળ ચાખવા મળશે એમાં કોઈ શંકાને સ્થાન નથી.

    શુભેચ્છાઓ સહ !

  2. Many Congratulations to Rev. Fr. Francis Parmar. Wishing you many happy returns of the day as you are celebrating your birthday today. We pray that God may bless you with good health so that you may be able to guide Jesuits of Gujarat province for a long long time. - Rajesh Christian


Thank you and stay connected