Friday, December 19, 2014

Seminar on School Administration, Relationship Management and Empowerment

Seminar on School Administration, Relationship Management and Empowerment held on 22nd – 24th Oct. 2014, Jeevan Darsahan Vadodara, Gujarat.

The resource persons for the seminar were Dr. Fr. Davis George,

Director,(Former Principal, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous))St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, an experienced Motivator for those in Leadership Position and Fr. Jose Thankachan - National president of AINACS from Jabalpur M.P.

The Seminar was inaugurated by Rt. Rev. Bp. Godfrey de Rozario SJ, at Jeevan Darshan Baroda. There were 24 participants from different schools representing the four Dioceses of Gujarat. 

The Topics dealt were:

1. Catholic Schools in India: Prospects and Challenges.

2. Education for Transformation & Empowerment of Life: The Ultimate Gift.

3. Features of a good School.

4. Teachers: Facilitators of Learning and Agents of Social Change and Empowerment.

5. Leadership in Schools: Paradigm Shift

6. A Case Study of a school – St. Aloysius Sr. Secondary School, Jabalpur.

7. Relationship: The key to success in School Administration.

Photos and News by Rev. Fr. Royston 

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