Thursday, May 6, 2010

Birthday Wishes to Fr. Vinayak Jadav

BBN wishes a very Happy Birthday to Fr. Vinayak Jadav S.J.(The pillar of Bhumel church). Fr.Vinayak Jadav is the Dean of Arts and Alumni and also has a responsibility of Journalism in St. Xavier's Arts College in Ahmedabad in Gujarat.Having many responsibilities he finds time to make Bhumel a bright church and a bright village of Gujarat.

Father you are a light in the darkness, a hope to live life in difficulties. May we all understand and follow your teaching, "Go smile and shine like stars in the sky". May God bless you on your Birthday.

Fr. Vinayak will get your birthday wishes to his email id.To wish him you can just comment below this post with your email id so that he can revert for your mail.

His Birthday is on 07-05-2010, Friday.

YOU have been a twinkling star for those who live in darkness. May God bless you and give you light and smile to shine.
- Das Macwan
Happy Birthday from all Bhumelians

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9 Add comments:

  1. Dear Fr. Vinayak Wishing you a Many Many Happy Returns of the day Happy birthday.

    May God bless you on your birthday and also pray to god that gives us Great Spiritual Leader like you. This is helping us to live the life in difficulties.

    Have a nice day sir.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Poojan Bhatia.

  2. Happy birthday dear fr.vinayak.
    may you be blessed in all that you do for the people entrusted to your care.
    do pray for me tomorrow. it is my birthday.
    sister mariola, ajmer

  3. Dear Fr. Vinayak,

    Many Happy Returns of the DAY! God bless you.

    Fr. Jagdish sj

  4. Many happy returns to Fr Vinayak! We miss you, come and visit us again.
    Sunita, Douglas and kids.

  5. From The Arcadia Group - Los Angeles California,
    Dearest Fr. Vinayak,
    We would ALL like to wish you an Abundance of God's Blessings on this your 'Special Day' when HE chose to place you in this World. You have touched more lives than you will ever know. May HE continue to use you for HIS Glory.

    We from Arcadia California would like to thank & Pray for you, as we continue in the tradition of the First Friday Mass gathering - the first mass of which was said by you!
    Special Greeting especially from the Tharayil Family

  6. Dear Fr.Vinayak
    Happy Birthday to you...May our Lord Jesus Christ gift you more Light to Guide His People.
    Let me take a chance to thank and appreciate to your Loving MOM and DAD...Too many wishes and prayers for a long life and good health. Thanks.
    Vicky Macwan n fly.

  7. I want to thank each one of you, dear, for your love and prayers on this day of gratitude and praise to God. I also wish Sr.Mariola a very happy birthday today. May God Bless all of you and your dear families.


  8. dear fr,Vinayak,
    many many happy returns of the day!
    GOD bless you..
    have a wonderful day..
    agnes kirit stephan. (canada)


Thank you and stay connected