Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Church reaches out people

Today our CHURCH is reaching out people in various ways. There are priests and nuns who are now a helping hand for many in Gujarat.The clergy supports youth and arranges fees for higher studies and growth. The Jesuits started the Nadiad and Sevasi(Baroda) ITI(Technical Institutions) for those who do not want to go for higher studies and want to go for business and technical field. There are many activities done by the Church in Gujarat for the better future for our society. A lot many activities done by Church Of Gujarat, today if it is to be written, it will take a few more pages to describe them. But today would like to talk about how the Church helps people through medical services and publications in Gujarat. Please read in details.

Medical Services : Health for All

With the aim of proving medical services especially for the poor and needy, the Catholic Church runs a number of dispensaries in villages and small towns. The Diocese also runs two hospitals at Nadiad and Ahmedabad which cater specially to the people from the lower strata of the society. Besides, the Diocese also manages the Narol Leprosy Hospital which is hailed as a model leprosy hospital in Gujarat and beyond.

The Diocese through the Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa also runs two Mobile Dispensaries in slum areas offering medical services to the poorest of the poor in Ahmedabad city.

The St Mary's Nursing Home at Gomtipur, the mill area of Ahmedabad city is known as the cheapest and safest "delivery home" for the poor in the city.

The Sisters of Daughters Of The Cross are also running a "delivery home" and dispensary in Zankhvav in order to take care of Christian Adivasi.

Most of Church dispensaries function in villages where no other medical services are available to the poor and backward people. These dispensaries and mobile clinics reach out to all people irrespective of their castes and creeds.

Publications, Printing Press & Publishing House

DOOT is a Jesuit run integral family magazine primarily meant for the Gujarati Christians.

THE AHMEDABAD MISSIONARY (TAM) is a monthly magazine in English for the friends and benefactors of the Ahmedabad Diocese.

THE AHMEDABAD DIOCESAN CHRONICLE is a newsletter, and in-house publication for diocesan personnel.

ANAND PRESS is our Xavier Edu-Technical Training Centre (XETC) and printing press at Anand which produces a lot of quality literature for Christians and for others.

GUJARAT SAHITYA PRAKASH(GSP) at Anand publishes books in English and Gujarati about Bible, Liturgy, Spirituality, Theology, etc.

PRASHANT is our justice and peace centre working for human rights, social justice, human developments, etc.

RISHTA is Jesuit Writers' Cell based at Ahmedabad. Rishta conducts workshops in journalism and creative writing.

INFORMATION CENTRECatholic Information Service Society (CISS) provides information about the Church in Gujarat in general and Ahmedabad Diocese in particular. CISS also conducts value education and correspondence courses on Jesus Christ and the Bible, etc. CISS also publishes literature on Bible and Value education.

Church at service

The below given details will make you to be proud of Gujarat Church.

No. of Educational Institutions
College: 01
College Hostel for Boys: 02
College Hostel for Girls: 01
Higher Secondary School: 06
High Schools: 22
Primary Schools: 48
I.T.I.s: 03
Boarding for Boys: 26
Boarding for Girls: 27
School for Mentally challenged: 01
Printing Press: 01
Publishing House: 01
Social Service Centres: 05
Youth Centre: 01
Vocational training centres: 04
Human Rights Centre: 01
Catholic Information Centre: 01
Audio-Visual Communication Centre: 01
Hospital: 01
Leprosy Hospital: 01
Maternity Home: 01
Dispensaries: 15
Mobile Clinics: 05
Old Age Homes: 02
Orphanage: 03

-Information Courtesy: C.B.C.I.
-And Ahmedabad Diocese.

Be proud of our Holy Church and Clergy

Note: If any details to be added, do let me know.

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