Adivasi samuh lagna (mass marriages) and jagruti geet sammelan (awareness songs) on 30th May at SHAKTI, Songadh.
The below given is the slideshow of the Adivasi mass marriage. Please click to view.
"This is the first ever samuh lagna of Adivasi samaj (community) of Tapi District. Today at SHAKATI, Songadh, we have made a history", proclaimed Snehlataben, the District Panchayat Delegate and the wife of Pareshbhai Vasava, the Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) of Nizar. Pareshbhai presented the new couples mangalsutra (necklace like ornament). "I have attended many samug lagans, but this is the first time that I see 29 couples of different adivasi groups coming together to get married. This is something to be proud of and to be continued for the strengthening of the identity, culture and unity of our Adivasi community. I congratulate all the organizers", spoke Dr. Tusharbhai A. Chaudhary, Minister of State for Traibal Affairs, Govt. of India as he blessed the new couples.
The brides and bridegrooms were brought to the stage at 2.30 pm at SHAKTI and officially welcomed by the organizers. Then the bridegrooms were taken to the place of procession. The varghodo (marriage procession) started at 3.00 pm from Raj Hotel. Thousands of men and women were dancing to the tunes of the adivasi drums. It was a real sight to watch them as the traffic at the National High Way came to a halt for a long time.
When the bridegrooms reached the stage, the brides were brought to be seated next to them. Then the adivasi elders (priests) performed the marriage rites in their traditional Adivasi ways depending on each group's uniqueness. After this, the honourable guests and others blessed the couples in their own style. Some of them were Ms. Shalini Agrawal, the District Development Officer (DDO), Tapi District, Dr. Tusharbhai, Mr. Mavjibhai, the District Panchayat President, Tapi District, Mr. Prabhubhai, the MLA of Mandvi, Mr. Bhilabhai, the Taluka Panchayat President, Songadh, Ms. Snehlataben and Ms. Jermaben, the Ex-District Panchayat President, Narmada District. The DDO congratulated the new couples for taking this step and encouraged them to spread this good news of samuh lagna so that in future more and more people would come forward to take part in such celebrations! All the speakers on this occasion saw this event as the new beginning for building the unity and strength of adivasi samaj.
12 Gamit, 11 Vasava, 3 Chaudhary and 3 Konkni couples were blessed. There were 11 inter group marriages, e.g. a Konkni marrying a Gamit, a Chaudhary marrying a Vasava etc. It was also an inter faith event. Then the organizers presented them 11 types of useful gifts which they had collected from different sponsors. These couples hailed from Vansda, Tapi, Surat, Narmada Districts of Gujarat and Nandurbar District of Maharashtra. "Having marriage as we have had today is really wonderful. This has helped all of us and saved us from very many difficulties. Where and when would one get such a chance to see different groups of adivasis coming together to get married and in such a royal style!" exclaimed Savitaben Vasava from Gaisavar village of Narmada District. From the saving point of view of time, energy and money for these families, it was a real blessing. Had a couple spent Rs. 50,000/- for their wedding, then the saving done through this event would amount to Rs.14, 50,000/- (50,000 x 29 = 14, 50,000)!
After the wedding meal, the singing competitions started. There were 22 individual performance and 8 group performances. It was very interesting and enlightening. People enjoyed it. Many from the audience gave money to the performers whom they appreciated. The rodali party was a great attraction to the people which kept them awake till morning! Adivasi Mahamandal, Gujarat, Adivasi Sarvangi Vikas Sanghs and SHAKTI Trust were the organizers. Many generously came forward to share the expenses and responsibilities.
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Congrats Fr. Stany
ReplyDeleteIt was really a new activity have heard about Adivasi.This activity should be cariied out all over India for Adivasi
Jago Adivasi