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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fr. Kulndairaj S.J. Passed away ( St.Xavier's College Ahemadabad)

Fr.Kulandairaj Maria Arul S.J. who was the director of St. Xavier's Institute Of Computer Application(XICA) in St.Xavier's College campus in Ahemadabad passed away yesterday morning (31-08-2010. He was born on 03-Sep-1961(Next month was his birthday). He was ordained on 25-Nov-1995 in The Society Of...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blessed Mother Teresa On Indian Currency

Our immense joy to have Mother Teresa and Saint Alphonsa on Indian currency. Please read the below given news. This post also has a small video of Blessed Mother Teresa.Commemorative Coins – India – Mother TeresaFinance Minister of India Mr P Mukherjee released a Five Rupee Coin on 28 Aug 2010 on Mother Teresa . The First Coin was presented to the President of India HE Mrs Pratibha Patil.The Coins...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Photo Exhibition

WAVES team intiated by Gujarat Jesuit Youth Movement (GJYM)and Gurjarvani organized five photography workshops in deferent parts of Gujarat (at Vidhayanagar,Vadtal and Ahemadabad for central Gujarat, at Zhankhvav for South Gujarat and at Bhiloda for North Gujarat) More than two hundred participants, mostly students from rural areas in Gujarat participated in the photo workshops conducted during the...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mother Teresa Biography in English And In Gujarati

Mother Teresa Biography can read In Gujarati and in English.મધર ટેરેસામધર ટેરેસાનો જન્મ ૨૬મી ઓગસ્ટ, ૧૯૧૦ માં થયો હતો. તેમનું નામ આગ્નેશ હતું. તેમને નાનપણથીજ સારા સંસ્કાર મળ્યા હતા. તેમને પોતાનું જીવન પ્રભુ ઈસુના ચિંધેલા માર્ગે જીવવું હતું. અઢાર વર્ષની ઉમરે તે લોરેટો મંડળમાં દાખલ થયા ત્યારે તેમને લોરેક્ષના...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"તારણહાર ઇસુ" (Taranhar Issu)

માનનીય ફાધર અન્તોન મેકવાન દ્વારા સંપાદિત કરેલ પુસ્તક "તારણહાર ઇસુ" (સમાંતર શુભ સંદેશ) નો લોકાર્પણવિધિનો કાર્યક્રમ નડીઆદના ક્રાઈસ્ટ ધ કિંગ દેવાલયમાં ૨ ઓગસ્ટના દિવસે યોજવામાં આવ્યો હતો. આ પુસ્તક બર્તોન એચ થ્રોક્મોર્તોન, jr. રચિત Gospel paralles નો ગુજરાતી અનુવાદ છે.દરેક ખ્રિસ્તી કુટુંબમાં તારણહાર પ્રભુ...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Beautiful Video

This is a very beautiful video with a Gujarati bhajan "A Few Moments O Lord" to meditate and give a few seconds to God. Please click to watchHave a nice day.Courtesy: Fr. Devasia S.J., Gurjarva...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mother Teresa_100 Years Celebration

The Birthday Of Mother Teresa will be celebrated at Petlad In Gujarat on August 29,2010. The celebration program will be published after the celebration. Please click the image to view in larger s...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

“Indian Christian Martyrs’ Day”

Ecumenical Commission Appeals to Commemorate Last Sunday of August as “Indian Christian Martyrs’ Day” The above is the photo of a christian who was burnt alive in Orissa. Let us all pray for those martyrs and for their families on 29th August,Last Sunday of this month.Bhopal : Ecumenical Commission...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Making Of Green Earth

Yesterday the youth and children and the elders of Bhumel about 25 people gathered to raise a voice against global warming, a voice for freedom from global warming on the feast of Mother Mary and the Independence Day of India. They all planted trees in Church and graveyard. It was a different way of...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Feast_Maria Assumpta

Maria Assumpta, is the hope of our heavenly destination after life's sojourn.Happy Feast and Jay h...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How to Live Life YOU Desire

This is a beautiful motivation clip to share with each one of us. Please click the below given link to watch "How to Live Life YOU Desire"Click here to Watch a Motivation ClipCourtesy:Earl NightangleThanks to Fr.Irudayaraj for sharing with...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Do you love Him ?

Do you love Him?In our day to day life we just forget to thank God for the beautiful life he has given us. He loves us and even for our love He sent his Son Jesus who died for us. For our faith formation let us ask ourselves Do we really love Him?Do You Love Him ?View more presentations from B...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Beauty On Earth

Gujarat had a very good rain in last 3 days. It has changed the earth into a beautiful green heaven around us.The green grass and the beautiful flowers look like ornaments the mother earth is wearing. Please click the below given slides to view some of the beauty of the earth.The Beauty On EarthView more presentations from B...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Called To Serve_The Society Of Jesus

Please click to view St Ignace life - Gujarat province, Glimpses of the life of St Ignatius of Loyola. This video has a beautiful Gujarati song of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Everyone is called to praise, reverence and serve God. One of the ways to do so is to be a priest and serve God’s people. Any young man who dares to serve the people of God in Gujarat and be a priest like St. Ignatius and St. Francis...