Friday, June 22, 2012

"Glory Of Gujarat" Award Winner_ Sr. Maria Maya_Nadiad

The big dreamer of Matruchhaya Orphanage, Nadiad : 

Sr.Maria Maya Gonzalez 

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Biography Of  Sr.Maria Maya Gonzalez 

Matruchhaya Orphanage is situated in the learned city of Nadiad. Matruchhaya mainly caters to the needs of the destitute, poor, abandoned, lost and orphan children in Gujarat. We provide them with shelter, education and rehabilitation. The child that enters into this home receives all the love, care, affection and above all personal attention as like any ordinary child in the society. Sr.Maria Maya was the one who dreamt of Matruchhaya.Originally she is from Spain but she has served in the land of Gujarat from last 48 years, without even bothering for her growing age and her ill health.
Sr.Maria was born on 15th November 1935 in Cartegana (Sewiliya) of South Spain. Her father was late Mr.Joesph Maya and her mother was late Mrs.Thomasa Gonzalez. She is the third child of this pious and devout couple. She completed her education from her native place and she acquired the degree of Nursing from the Medical college of Barcelona, Spain. The virtues of love and compassion along with religiosity were in her from the birth. At the age of 19 she offered her life to the person of Jesus to serve the humanity. It was the year 1954 when she decided to become religious thus she joined the congregation of “Sisters of Charity of St.Anne’ with the permission of her parents.

Up to 1964 she served her people in Spain and then she marched forwarded to serve the people of India, in the year 1964 she left for India.inspite of different culture and language she joyfully began her mission in Gujarat, India.She served in the hospital of Our Lady of Pillar Baroda, Kalol and Nadiad.In beginning she had to face lot of difficulties since she did not know the language. But this language barrier did not discourage her. Now she is well worse with Gujarati and English.

In the year 1964 to 1966 she began her virgin mission in Nadiad in one small room the place where St.Anne school stands now. It was known as Our Lady of Pillar Dispensary. During this time she used go to the villages since there was no transport facility she used to walk miles to reach to those villages.

1966 she got transfer to Baroda. It was just the beginning of the mission in Baroda. Sisters used to stay in rented house. Sr.Maria looked after the construction work of the hospital with minute details. Gradually the mission flourished and now we have huge hospital of Our Lady of Pillar with latest equipments.
In the 1969 Sr.Maria was transferred to the place called Mokhsan situated near Kadi – Kalol. She was looking after the sick and helping the poor people of near by villages. During the day when the people go for labour work Sr.Maria was looking after their children and taking care of them. At that time there were very few hospitals so, many pregnant women used to come to her to take the guidance and necessary help. She was even conducting the delivery. She had become very dear to the people of that area.

Photo courtesy: Matruchaya 1
1974 she was again transferred to Nadiad at Our Lady of Pillar Hospital. It so happened that when she got transfer from Mokhasan to Nadiad there was an orphan boy who was only 4 years old so she brought him with her. At that time there was no orphanage so she sent him to the boarding school for his education but when he came for holidays Sr.Maria was in dilemma as to where to keep this boy? Who will look after this boy? But soon a thought crossed her mind to place this child in a pious family of Mr.Simon who was working with sisters and staying in the campus. The family took good care of him and sr.maria helped him financially and when he grew up Sr.Maria found a suitable partner for him and got him married. At present he has two kids and living joyful life with his family.

She began to serve the most poorest and needy of the society. During this time Sr. Maria Maya was working in the Dispensary of Our Lady of Pillar and helping to run the maternity ward. One morning as she opened the door of the dispensary and lo and behold… She found a new born baby lying on the door. Someone had abandoned the child. She picked up the child and cradled the baby. The caring and nursing began and she got an instant inspiration to care for such abandoned babies. Since then she never turned back and looked. So from 5th November 1980 Matruchhaya came to existence today it has become a giant tree giving shelter to many children.

When Matruchhaya came into existence there were around 10 to 15 children. Sr.Maria also gave shelter to the children of leprosy patient of Bhavnagar. She provided them with education and rehabilitated their families because of her effort many children were saved from the deadly disease of Leprosy at that time. Whenever she saw a child in need of care and protection she gave her total self to reach them out.

Photo courtesy: Matruchaya 1
Sr.Maria is a person filled with love and compassion therefore every child in Matruchhaya has experienced her motherly love, care and affection therefore children call her “Mummy Maria”. Sr.Maria Maya has rehabilitated many children back to their families and many have been adopted not only this but also she has helped many widows, destitute and poor economically.

Sr.Maria has touched many hearts and many lives which can not be counted. Let me jot down one of the heart touching experience: Before ten years she found a baby girl weighing only 650 gm. We admitted her to best pediatric hospital but the doctors gave no hope for her survival while returning back home Sr.Maria took this child in the hand and blew her breath in to her mouth and the child got life. The doctors stated that it was indeed a miracle. Now the child is 10 years old and being adopted by a family.

Photo courtesy: Matruchaya 1
There is also another story which will touch your heart: A real story of Ravi. One fine day we got call from a government officer that they have found a new born baby boy from the dustbin at Godhra village which is 100 km away from Nadiad. His look was so scaring thus no institution was ready to admit him. As soon as she got the call she rushed to bring and save the child. Having brought him to Matruchhaya she named him Ravi. His whole face was disfigured and frightening so even the care takers were afraid of taking care of him so Sr.Maria used to keep him in her room and taking good care of him, witnessing these care takers also gained courage to do the same. Today Ravi is with us. We have tried all the possible way out for his treatment.

Sr.Maria has rehabilitated many children by searching their families and giving them into adoption.

In the year 1988 Sr.Maria gave an application to social Defense Department in order to acquire the recognition for the orphanage. We got the recognition in the year 1996 with the condition that we would not get any grant from government and Sr.Maria accepted it happily. During this period Social Justice & empowerment department had also given us the recognition for in country adoption of children. It looked like even God was pleased with Sr.Maria’s untiring effort so sooner we got the recognition for Inter country adoption in the year 2003 from Government of India, Women & Child development.

Photo courtesy: Matruchaya 1
Orphanage admits surrendered children of unwed mothers, Orphan and destitute through Child Welfare Committee. All the Children are given the best possible medical treatment by child specialist. Since most of the children are born premature due to induced labor by the unwed mother to avoid carrying the pregnancy full time, they are received seriously ill having weight 1 kg to 1 ½ kg only. There is facility of incubators to keep such children. They are well nursed with an emotional bond in a human bond and in a healthy atmosphere by the staff kept for this purpose.

The Institution performs marriages of major girls and boys. During 10 years we have around 10 inmates got married and well settled. That day is the auspicious occasion for us. On this day elite of the society is invited to attend the function. We celebrate all the festivals like Diwali, Christmas, Janmashtmi, Navratri etc. We celebrate the children’s day every year very solemnly. We have get together of all the adoptive parents. We celebrate every year “Adoption awareness week”. We have picnic of the children every year. 250 children are given into In country adoption & 23 to NRI couples and 25 to the foreigners. More than 125 children have been re-united back to their families.

Sr.Maria’s life is an inspiration. At the age of 64 suddenly she fell sick and went into coma for three long days. I think God had still better plan for her so she returned back from coma and her health was enhanced. She started working again. It looked like God was testing her so again at the age 70 she had to under go major oppression of Spine twice. But she did not lose courage and came out of it successfully.

 Now she is 77 years old in spite of her fading health and growing age she doesn’t sit idle but she has started tailoring classes for the poor and widow and needy women in order to help them economically and socially. Having completed their tailoring classes she provides them with the credential and tailoring appliance. Apart from all this she has special love and fondness for the birds and animals that’s the reason she gives them personal attention. At the sunset of her life she is vigorous to serve the downtrodden of the society.

She has offered her whole life in the service of humankind. It is indeed admirable. Hats’s off to you and accept our grand salute for being the channel of love and compassion to those who came to your life.

Sr. Sheetal Parmar,
Sisters Of Charity Of St. Anne,
Matruchaya1, Nadiad

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11 Add comments:

  1. Sister Maria Maya Gonzales !! What a human being !!! Truly, what thou hast done, and are doing, at this "tender" age is not only remarkable but impossible.My prayers are with you and your CHARITABLE MATRUCHAYAL1.May Almighty Lord give you strength and good health to carry on the good work--Amen!!.--Albert Macwan & Family.

  2. I was touched by her life and mission. She is a real hero and a modern Saint. Congrats to her and may she live long to render the service to the people of Gujarat.

    Fr. Jagdish Parmar SJ

  3. Dear Rev Sr.Maria Maya Gonzales,
    Resourection of Mother Theresa in form of Kingly Action of Sr. Maria Maya for orphanges. I have seen a film Marcelino Panavino, many years back I hope One more Marcelino will take place. Let us SUPPORT.
    Blessings and prayers,
    Francis Bruno+
    Vadodara 21

  4. Dear Sister,
    Just hats off to you!!! Salute to you!!! I am just speechless.... Finding difficult to define my words of appreciation to you...... CONGRATULATIONS!!!! And best wishes to you!!!!
    Vipul Macwan
    Municipal Councillor,
    Anand Municipality, Anand

  5. Dear Sister, Just salute to you!!!!
    No Words to define the work you are doing........ I am just speechless........

  6. Dear Sr.Maria Maya,You are really great!You are a Mother Teresa of Gujarat.May God bless you and grant good health to continue His work....Fr.Tony britto,s.j.

  7. congrats Sr. maria and all the sisters of the community and we are very proud of you.


  8. Sister Maria definitively is a unique person who understood the power of the universal love and gave to all the Children around her unlimited care and support. She found for us two wonderful children, Diksha (Laura ,16 years) and Adina (12year).
    Congratulations for the Award that it is just a small recognition of all what she did in her live for everyone.
    Daniel Cortes from Barcelona

  9. Sister Maria definitively is a unique person who understood the power of the universal love and gave to all the Children around her unlimited care and support. She found for us two wonderful children, Diksha (Laura ,16 years) and Adina (12year) that now are growing happily.
    Congratulations for the Award that it is just a small recognition of all what she did in her live for everyone.
    Daniel Cortes from Barcelona

  10. My Dear Mummy María, It was a pleasure to meet you, to see the beautiful work you've been doing and specially it was an honour to work with you. I worked three times as a volunteer in Gujarat with her and I just simply love this woman. God Bless You Always

  11. My Dear Mummy María, It was a pleasure to meet you, to see the beautiful work you've been doing and specially it was an honour to work with you. I worked three times as a volunteer in Gujarat with her and I just simply love this woman. God Bless You Always


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