Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday with e-Sermon By Fr. Jimmy Dabhi SJ.

This Sunday with e-Sermon By Fr. Jimmy Dabhi SJ. Recorded at Anand-Gamdi on Sat 26-02-2011 It is in Gujarati

Please click to listen to beautiful Gujarati Sermon


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8 Add comments:

  1. great to hear Gujarati and the sermon. feel like m in Gujarat in home land

  2. pls provide more sermons. It helps to grow in Christ.

  3. Wow Fr. Jiimy. very good gujarati and bodh

  4. saras bodh che fr.jimmy, darsan ane bodh aapta rahejo

  5. Good one Jimmy. Hats off to you. May God continue to sow the seed of wisdom, love, and peace in and through your words. Well done. Keep going. You can post before hand which would help the priests too. Vijay good work we need to go on. with all wishes Fr. Xavier Amalraj S.J. Zankhvav

  6. Fr. Jimmy is a biblical scholar in his own right. What adds to the richness he possesses is his down-to-earth approach in communicating Christ-Experience to different people. His insightful illustrations, his mastery over Gujarati, his power of communication and his captivating style, are rare gifts all rolled into one - the son of the soil. He has taken pains to contextualize his theological learnings into our motherland, culture and all that goes with it. Hats off to Jimmy, my good, intimate, loving and critical friend.
    Yours in Companionship to Jimmy B. Dabhi sj from Fr. Raymund A. Chauhan sj - Shamgahan - Dangs

  7. Dear Jimmy,
    You are a Bibilcal scholar in your own right. You have been able to share effectively and affectively the Christ Experience with all sorts of people particularly our own people from Gujarat - Kheda area. You are a versatile man endowed with varied gifts such lucid flow of our mother tongue Gujarati, ability to have a down-to-earth approach while writing or communicating to people in Gujarti, your biblical insights wrapped up in Gujarati packages make it really gulpable down our throats. I have been your companion at least in theology, I admire and appreciate your multi-faceted personality endowed with varied gifts. Khuda deta hai to chhaper faad ke deta hai! Your ability to contextuazie your bibilical learnings will defintiely help people grow in their faith in our Lord. I take this opportunity to express my sentiments of gratitude to all that you mean to me - a good, intimate, affectionate, reliable and critical companion. May your grow more and more in your committment to Christ as well as our beloved people of Gujarat and all else.
    Yours in Companionship,
    Fr. Raymund Chauhan sj

  8. It is nice sermon, thank you, Fr.Jimmy, Bhagwan-no all time abhar, care taker chhe - a hakikat chhe ne chhej ano ahesas karavyo.

    -Raman Makvana


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