Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday With e-Sermon By Fr. Xavier SJ And Fr. Vally de Souza SJ

હવે દર રવિવારનો બોધ  અંગ્રેજીમાં text formatમાં  ફા. વેલી ડી'સોઝા એસ. જે. દ્વારા BBN ઉપર વાંચવા મળશે. ફા,વેલી ડી'સોઝા દક્ષીણ ગુજરાતની આદિવાસી ધર્મસભા શરૂ કરનાર ત્રણ ફાધારોમાંના એક છે.  BBN તેમનો  ખુબ ખુબ અભાર માને છે. 
તપઋતુના  પાંચમાં રવિવાર નો બોધ માટે વીડિઓ ઉપર ક્લિક કરો.

Fifth Sunday of Lent  -  10 April 2011

John 11, 1-45 – Our Hope

 The story of the resurrection of Lazarus leaves us surprised. On the one hand, we have never seen Jesus so human, frail and affectionate as on this occasion when one of his best friends dies; on the other, we have never been called upon to believe in his saving power so directly: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes  in me will live, even though he dies… Do you believe this?”

   Jesus does not conceal his affection for these three members of a family of Bethany who will unfailingly welcome him whenever he comes to Jerusalem. One day Lazarus falls sick  and his sisters send a message to Jesus: our brother, “whom you love so much”, is sick. When Jesus arrives at the  village, it’s four days since Lazarus has been buried. No one can bring him back to life now.

   The family is broken. When Jesus arrives, Mary bursts into tears. Nobody can comfort her. Seeing her weeping, he can contain himself no longer and he too starts weeping. On sensing the helplessness of everyone faced with death, he is torn apart. Who can comfort us?

   There is in us an insatiable will to live. We spend days and years struggling for life. We cling to science and, above all, to medical know-how to prolong biological life. But there  always comes  a final sickness from which no one can heal us.

   It wont help us to try to prolong life forever. It would be horrible to imagine a world of the aged, full of old men and women, a world in which life is not renewed. What we long for is a different kind of life: a life without pain or old age, without war or hunger, a fully happy life for all.

   Today we live in a society that has been described as “a society of uncertainty” (Z. Bauman). Never have human beings been better equipped to progress towards a happier life.   And still, never perhaps, have we felt so powerless before an uncertain and threatening future. In what can we hope?

   Like human beings in every age, we too live surrounded by darkness. What is life? What is death? How should we live? How should we die? Before raising Lazarus, Jesus says these words to Martha that are a decisive challenge for all his followers: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes  in me will live, even though he dies…   Do you believe this?”
   In spite of doubts and uncertainty, Christians believe in Jesus, Lord of life and of death. In him alone we seek light and strength to fight for life and to deal with death. In him alone  will we find hope for a life beyond the boundaries of life.


Give a reason for your hope

Website for Spanish original and translations: www.eclesalia.net

English Translation by  (Valentine) Vally de Souza S.J.  vallydesouza@jesuits.net,   Mandal, Gujarat , India.

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