Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday With E-sermon

It’s an unforgettable story traditionally known as “The healing of the man born blind”. But it is much more since the evangelist describes it as the inner journey, of a man lost in darkness who finds in Jesus, “the Light of the World”.

We do not know his name. We only know he is a beggar, blind from birth, who seeks alms on the outskirts of the Temple. He doesn’t know what light is. He’s never seen it. He cannot walk around or find his way by himself. His life unfolds in darkness. He will never know a life of dignity.One day Jesus enters his life. The blind man is so much in need that he lets him work on his eyes. He doesn’t know who he is, but he trusts his healing power. Following his directions, he washes his eyes in the pool of Siloam and for the first time, begins to see. The meeting with Jesus is going to change his life.

The blind man's neighbors see him changed. He is the same man but seems to them to be someone else. The man explains his experience: “a man called Jesus” healed him. He doesn’t know more about him. He doesn’t know who or where he is. But he has opened his eyes. Jesus does good even to those who recognize him only as a man.

The Pharisees, well versed in matters of religion, ask him all kinds of questions about Jesus. He talks only of his experience: “ I know just one thing: I was blind and now I see.” They ask him what he thinks of Jesus and he tells them what he feels: “he is a prophet.” What he has received from him is so good, that this man cannot but come from God. This is how many ordinary people profess their faith in Jesus. They know no theology, but they feel that this man comes from God.

It’s not long before the beggar remains alone. His parents do not shield him. The religious leaders throw him out of the synagogue. But Jesus does not abandon those who love and seek him. “When he heard that they had driven him away, he went to find him.” Jesus has his ways to find those who seek him. No one can stop him.

When Jesus finds that man whom no one seems to understand, he asks him just one question: “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” Do you believe in the New Man, the Man who is fully human precisely because he is an expression and incarnation of the unfathomable mystery of God? The beggar is willing to believe, but finds himself more blind than ever: “Sir, tell me who he is so that I may believe in him.”

Jesus says to him: “You are looking at him; he is speaking to you.” Now the eyes of the soul of the blind man are opened. He falls at the feet of Jesus and says to him: “I believe, Lord.” Only when we listen to Jesus and let ourselves be guided interiorly by him, are we on the road to the fullness of faith, and also to a more humble faith.

-By Fr. Valley D'soza.

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1 Add comments:

  1. dear father vally,

    you are doing a wonderful job. your zeal to serve the church in south Gujarat even at this stage of your life is just unimaginable.

    May God give you a very long life and sound health to make the church in south gujarat prosper more and more.



Thank you and stay connected