Stay tuned...





Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday With E-sermon By Rev. Fr. Maxim SJ

Please click for Sunday With E-sermon Note: BBN at work for preparing a small video of  the employees of Anand Press and Gujarati Sahitya Prakash on the occasion of The Feast Of St. Ignatius Of Loyola . Stay tuned will back at 4:00 Pm on 31-07-2011 Dear All, Thank you for staying connected with BBN. We have received few comments this week but could not publish them due internet...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Voice Against Global Warming - Anand

Today Francis Xavier Parish Youth Group, organized planting trees in Anand-Gamdi Church. There were around 550 plants sold within few hours. It was well organized with a global warming exhibition. The group has 60 young girls and boys. Many people came and made the program vibrant and supported and appreciated the Group for the beautiful activity. It was a beautiful attempt against global warming. Please...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sunday With Bible (Video)

Do share your ideas and inputs.  BBN thanks for your support.. Please click on the video for Sunday Gospel  - BBNA Brid...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

આદિવાસી ડાંગી નૃત્ય_Dance Of Dangi Tribal Society

નીચેનો વિડીયો શામગહાન- સાપુતારામાં યોજાયેલ "ડાંગી ભાષાનું  વ્યાકરણ" ના    લોકાર્પણમાં   આપણા    ડાંગી જનો  દ્વારા  કરેલ ડાંગી નૃત્યનો છે.        એકજ શ્વાસે  !!! આ ડાંગી નૃત્યની  એક  વિશેષતા છે કે વાજિંત્ર મો થી એકજ...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sunday With E-sermon By Fr Sandip Madhukar

Please click for the Sunday With E-sermon By Fr Sandip Madhukar, Mariyampura,Petlad Special Thanks To Rev. Fr. Sandip Madhukar And Rev. Fr. T...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Like Leaven_ By Rev. Fr. Valentine de Souza Sj

SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A) 17 July 2011 LIKE LEAVEN Matthew 13, 24-43 José Antonio Pagola translated by  Rev. Fr. Valentine de Souza SJ Rev.Fr.Valentine de Souza SJ With unheard of boldness Jesus surprised everyone by proclaiming something no prophet ever dared say: “God is already...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

E-sermon By 95 Years old Fr. Pariza SJ

Rev.Fr. Pariza SJ His Cycle never stopped  for spreading  the love and peace of Christ. (Photo was clicked at the time of visiting people of Anand-Gamdi) Now does not ride. Please click on the video for the e-sermon by Rev. Fr. Pariza SJ Special thanks to Rev. Fr. Pariza...


Rev. Bishop Thomas Macwan             “We Christians have played a significant role in forming the conscience of the people in Gujarat,” said Bishop Thomas Macwan in a personal interview given in his office at Mirzapur, Ahmedabad on July 8, 2011.            ...

Friday, July 8, 2011

High Court notice to MP Government on RTE misuse

Bhopal:  Photo: Google The Madhya Pradesh High Court served a notice on the state government on Wednesday seeking its reply on the alleged misuse of Right To Education (RTE) Act in implementation in minority- run education institutions in the state. The court order came in response to a...

GOING OUT TO SOW By Rev.Fr. Valentine de Souza SJ

FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( A) – 10 July 2011 GOING OUT TO SOW Matthew  13, 1-23 José Antonio Pagola    Translated by Fr. Valentine de Souza SJ Rev.Fr. Valentine de Souza SJ Before relating the parable of the sower who went out to sow, the evangelist presents Jesus who "goes...

Thursday, July 7, 2011


St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad  released a book YOUTH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM at a function  held at the Jai Chemical-XRF Hall, St. Xavier’s College Campus on Wednesday, 6th July 2011 at 5.30 pm.  The book was released by His Grace, Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandes. Fr. Jose...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

ખ્રિસ્તી સમુદાય માટે ગૌરવ_ડો. કલ્પેશ કુમાર ઈશ્વરભાઈ મેકવાન

From left: Dr. Thomas Parmar, Dr.Kalpesh Macwan and Rev. Fr. Rocky Pinto  ( Principal Of St.Mary's School, Nadiad)   Dr. Kalpeshkumar Macwan  ડો. કલ્પેશ કુમાર ઈશ્વરભાઈ મેકવાન વડતાલ ગામના છે અને સેન્ટ મેરી'સ  સ્કુલ, નડિયાદ ખાતે શિક્ષક તરીકે ફરજ બજાવે છે. સ્કુલમાં શૈક્ષણિક...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Invitation From St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad

St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad will be releasing a book YOUTH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM at a function to be held at the Jai Chemical-XRF Hall, St. Xavier’s College Campus on Wednesday, 6th July 2011 at 5.30 pm. The book will be released by His Grace, Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandes. Fr. Jose Changanacherry S.J., Provincial will be the Chief Guest. Invitation View more documents from BBN...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sunday With e-Sermon By Fr. Anil Severin SJ

ઈસુના પૂજ્ય હૃદયના તહેવાર  નિમિત્તે આણંદ - ગામડી ચર્ચમાં શુક્રવારે જે મિસ રાખવામાં આવેલ તે સમયે  આ બોધ રેકોર્ડ કરી મુકેલ છે.    Please click to watch Sunday With e-sermon in Gujarati by Fr. Anil Sevrin SJ (Gamdi-Anand Church). This e-sermon was recorded during Friday afternoon mass in the Church Special thanks to Fr. Anil Severin SJ for the e-sermon. We also  thank...