Monday, July 4, 2011

Invitation From St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad

St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad will be releasing a book YOUTH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM at a function to be held at the Jai Chemical-XRF Hall, St. Xavier’s College Campus on Wednesday, 6th July 2011 at 5.30 pm. The book will be released by His Grace, Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandes. Fr. Jose Changanacherry S.J., Provincial will be the Chief Guest. Invitation
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The Youth Leadership Development Program (YLDP) documents the ‘Education Plus’ program specially designed and developed for students from disadvantaged backgrounds by the faculty of the College in collaboration with the Catholic Relief Services (C.R.S).

After changing its admission policy to enable students from disadvantaged communities have access to excellence in higher education, the College formed a special ‘Cell’ JAGRAT) to cater to the needs of these students.

However, with a significant increase in the number of these students in the college over the last few years, the College felt the need to move beyond merely conducting activities to working through a process which would be more empowering and would generate better students and potential leaders who would be committed to their own communities.

With the C.R.S. sharing a similar vision of education as empowerment, the two institutions embarked on a process of putting together a program along these lines. C.R.S. insisted on first empowering the faculty of the College who would then devise and carry out such a program. Excellent trainings provided for the faculty by competent resource persons, gradually resulted in the coming together of a ‘core group of faulty’ who at some stage opted to become ‘facilitators’ rather than merely ‘teachers’.

The program they then designed consciously emphasizes ‘learning through creative methodologies’. It stretches the boundaries of learning beyond the classroom while mixing rote learning with fun. The focus is to ensure that the student is not alienated from his/her community back home.

The purpose of this publication is to document this model of empowerment and learning so that it can be used as a manual by any institution of learning to engage students coming from disadvantaged communities. The documentation has been done by Shilpa Vasavada and the book published by the Gujarat Sahitya Prakash. For more information contact Fr Lancy D’Cruz s.j. at

- News By

Rev. Fr. Lancy D'Cruz SJ

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