Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Voice Against Global Warming - Anand

Today Francis Xavier Parish Youth Group, organized planting trees in Anand-Gamdi Church. There were around 550 plants sold within few hours. It was well organized with a global warming exhibition. The group has 60 young girls and boys. Many people came and made the program vibrant and supported and appreciated the Group for the beautiful activity. It was a beautiful attempt against global warming.

Please click to watch the video of Anand people and the activity done today.

A Bridge

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3 Add comments:

  1. Hello siir!! I am one of the member of the SFPY who conducted that environmental activity yesterday in anand. Saw the video which u have posted on your blog, It's amazing, superb compilation of the overall event. Thank u so much for this wonderful video and also for encouraging our activities. Thnks alot alot!
    - Deepti


Thank you and stay connected