Vivian Pereria, a resident of Bandra, said, for the kinfolk join the mass in the morning probably at Mont Mary’s Basilica or other churches. "They then have family prayers at home and have a festive lunch or dinner with relatives from other suburbs invited for the feast. The modern lifestyle has taken its toll on this ritual, but we still have many families marking this occasion in Bandra," he said.
Fr. Larry Pereria, a resident historian, lives in Ranwar village in Bandra, highlighted that the feast the is regarded more the most vital than the fair for many people in Bandra. "It was the birthday of Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ and families would give it due importance. “The families who lived in various gaothans (villages) like Ranwar, Pali, Sherly, Rajan, Chuim and Chimbai were known to have parties at home with music and folk songs," said Fr. Pereira.
"While the actual day of Mother Mary's birthday fell on September 8, the Church would celebrate it on the next Sunday with a Mass in the morning. It is seen as a people's feast and attracts families particularly women," he said. In Bandra, the feast of Mary is strongly associated with the statue of Virgin Mary at Mount Mary's Basilica for several hundred years. Fr Francis Correia, who has authored a book on Mount Mary, said that the faith in Virgin Mary manifests itself when people of all faiths come to the Church to seek her blessings. When was the feast of Virgin Mary first celebrated? It goes back long ago said Fr Correia, he cites a report by a Jesuit priest written in 1669 which states. "
News And Photo Courtesy
Mr. Ananth (Y Reach)
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