Saturday, September 10, 2011


The Sunday Bible Reading video is in Gujarati

11 September 2011


Matthew 18, 21-35

José Antonio Pagola

Rev. Fr. Valentine de Souza SJ
The disciples heard Jesus say unbelievable things on the love of enemies: prayer to the Father for those who persecute us, forgiveness for those who do us harm. Surely, it seemed an extraordinary message to them, but it was hardly realistic and raised huge questions.

Peter now comes to Jesus with a more practical, concrete approach that at least allowed them to solve the problems that occurred among them: resentment, envy, clashes, conflicts, and petty quarrels. How did they have to behave in that family of followers who walked in his footsteps? In particular: “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me?”

Before Jesus could answer him, Peter, impetuous as usual, hastens to make his own suggestion: “Up to seven times?” His proposal is of a generosity quite superior to the climate of strict justice prevalent in Jewish society. It went much further even than what was practiced among rabbis and groups of Essenes who speak of forgiving up to four times at most.

However, Peter is still thinking at the level of Jewish casuistry where forgiveness is prescribed as a friendly arrangement to ensure the orderly functioning of coexistence among those belonging to the same group.

The answer of Jesus requires us to rise to a new level. There is no end to forgiveness: “I tell you not seven times but seventy seven times.” It makes no sense to keep accounts of forgiveness. Whoever takes to counting how often he forgives his brother follows an absurd path that destroys the spirit that must prevail among his followers.

Among the Jews, there was a popular “Song of vengeance” of Lamech, a legendary hero of the desert. It ran like this: “ Cain will be avenged seven times, but Lamech seventy times seven.” Against this culture of revenge without limits, Jesus proclaims forgiveness without limits among his followers.

In just a few years, unrest has been growing within the Church, causing increasingly heartbreaking and painful conflicts and clashes. Lack of mutual respect, insults and calumnies are becoming more frequent. Without anyone regulating them, so-called Christian sectors use the internet to sow hostility and hatred, mercilessly destroying the reputation and lives of other believers.

We urgently need witnesses to Jesus, who firmly proclaim his Good News and humbly spread his peace, believers who keep forgiving and healing this morbid blindness that infects his Church.

Spread the pardon and peace of Jesus.


"How do you stay positive, preach hope, and remain loving and big-hearted in the face of opposition, misunderstanding, hostility, and hatred?

. . . . Very few things, I believe, are more needed today, in both society and the church, than this capacity for understanding and forgiveness. To continue to offer others genuine love and understanding in the face of opposition and hatred constitutes the ultimate social, political, ecclesial, moral, religious, and human challenge. Sometimes church people try to single out one particular moral issue as the litmus test as to whether or not someone is a true follower of Jesus. If there is to be a litmus test, let it be this one: Can you continue to love those who misunderstand you, who oppose you, who are hostile to you, who hate you, and who threaten you - without being paralyzed, calloused, or condescending?" - Ronald Rolheiser OMI

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