Nyay Darshan is a center for Human rights and Justice. It is situated at 5, Sushilnagar, Nizampura, Vad o dara. The center works for the spreading legal awareness among the mas ses in Vadodara and different states of India .
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Law is a weapon that can be used to combat oppression, exploitation and injustice . Ignorance of law is not an excuse. So we all must know our rights well . Enjoy ment of legal right s is necessary for the development of human personality. It is the sacre d duty of every individual to know the laws of the country and to observe them, so that everyone can enjoy rights and justice in every as pect of life.
Nyay Darshan had conducted one year diploma course in legal aid for 13 Social Animators working in various places in Gujarat . The participants completed the course successfully and were awarded the diploma in legal-aid.
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Nyay Darshan headed by Fr.P.D.Mathew S.J. director of the center and his team work s for the empowerment of humanity in legal issues. They conduct residential programme at center as well as gives seminar, workshop s in the school, colleges, hostel and grass root level in the villages.
Rev.Bisho Godfrey Rosario Bishop of Baroda was the chief guest. His Lordship inspired us with his powerful insights and expectation ad rem inded us about the various laws which help us for the better functioning of the society.
Fr.P.D Mathew, the directo r of the center explains the need of the hour is to work for the dignity of human be ings. He said human rights must be made fact and not an idealistic dream.
Sr. Dora, one of the partic ipants shared about her enriching learning experiences and how it contributed to her and other participants in their personal growth. She says, this course has helped me in various ways because of this opportunity given I became aware got involve d with the legal issue s. My capacity for understanding and analyzing the legal issues has increase d. I am able to make critical judgments on legal matters, ask questions to office r s without fear, and discuss legal matters with others. I am able to give inform at ion and direct people to right places and right people.
This little ceremony marked a historical moment at Nyay Darshan. The part icipants, who completed the legal studies successfully were award ed diploma by His Lordship Bishop Godfrey.
The programme was concluded by vote of thanks given by Sr. Manjula Tuscano O.P.
Video and photo: BBN
Video and photo: BBN
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