Monday, September 9, 2013

Funeral of Late Ashish Jaswant Jadav

Ashish Jadav, 27, an engineer met with an accident on 03-09-2013, his father's birthday. His father Jaswantbhai and his mother Vidhyaben and Jadav family were waiting for him in the evening for the birthday celebration. 

As they finished family prayer they received a call from his mobile around 9:15 Pm (a family passing called up) saying that the boy with this mobile met with an accident colliding with a stationary truck on Ring Road near Shilaj Bridge.Those who picked him up rushed him to the near by SHAL Hosptal in Ahmedabad.

Doctor said that Ashish's situation was critical as the skull was damaged. Doctor declared him brain dead on Saturday. And he passed away on Sunday morning, on birthday of Mother Mary (08-09-2013) around 9:45 am.

Ashish was the only Child of Jaswantbhai and Vidhyaben.
The funeral mass was in St. Xavier's Parish Church, Navarangpura- Ahmedabad

May his soul rest in peace.

The prayer service will be on 15-09-2013 Sunday morning 10:30 Am

Place: In Loyola School ( Open Assembly Hall campus, Beside the parish Church, Ahmedabad.)

Please click for the funeral video

Please click the link for the photos


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