Saturday, November 2, 2013

Youth Seminar - Day 2

The day began with Nature meditation. Some of the youth felt that this was the first hand experience of being one with nature.

Then the first session began at 8.00 am on group building by Mr. Rajesh Christian. The session was well animated with lot of activities and input. The second session was conducted by Fr. K. Tony the parish priest of Limdapura parish on Today’s Youth. He stressed on the importance of family life and having parents and elders as their mentor.

After the tea break, Fr. Sandeep the Ahmdedabad diocese Youth director addressed the youth on “Youth and Values of life”. He guided the youth basing himself on Christ’s values to have value based life to be successful in life.

Rt. Rev. Bishop Thomas Macwan was the main celebrant for the day’s Eucharist. He was pleased to see so many youth participating in this seminar. Being the feast of All Saints day, in his Homily, he challenged the youth to be Saints. He cited few examples of saints whose body is still intact; namely St. Francis Xavier.
After sumptuous meal, the youth again gathered in the seminar hall at 2.30 pm. Sr. Fulmani, in charge of Prison Ministry for the diocese of Ahmedabad shared her experiences of animating the prison inmates. Mr. Deepak the president of Legion of Mary, informed the youth about his own experiences of being touched by Mother Mary and how he goes about spreading the devotion of Mary.

Today being the first Friday of the Month, Fr. Stanny The parish Priest of Umreth led the youth in adoration of Jesus.

This was followed by another session on “Youth and Public Life” by Fr. Joseph Appavoo and Mr. Vincent Luis. They challenged the youth to form a federation and come out strongly in public life and make difference in the society. Mr. Jashvant the convener of the St. Vincent De Paul also added to that saying how he tapped the local people to sponsor these three days event.

The climax of the day was the Night Dhamaka. The youth really showed their talents on the stage and made this evening wonderful. Around thirty youngsters participated in individual talent show and then the general Garba was organized. Mr. Shailesh Jadav, Mr. Jwalant and their team provided an excellent music while Mr. Nileshkumar was the singer of the day for Garba. The day ended on a happy note. 

News and photos
Rev. Fr. Mayank Parmar

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