Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ending the Year of Faith in South Gujarat at Mandal

To the sound of ALLELUIAS rising like a benign mushroom cloud into the atmosphere of South Gujarat, the Year of Faith came to a glorious end. People of many faiths or no faith gathered in the thousands filling the large, colourful tent designed to accommodate ten thousand devotees.

The star of the celebration was undoubtedly Fr. Anil Dev, whose faith in and love for the Word of God gave life, joy and vibrancy to the occasion. He is the charismatic head of Matrudham Ashram in Varanasi where thousands, mostly Hindus, gather every week-end to listen to the Word of God free from the complications of ritual and Canon law. (Watch him on U Tube or the TV channel ZeeJagran). He was ably supported by a team of lay preachers and a group of lay men and women who prayed night and day for the gift of the Spirit for preachers and faithful all through the event.

South Gujarat Catholics were well represented: devotees from 23 of 24 mission centres, from Jhalod in the North to Borpada in the South, made it to the festival of faith. Distance did not deter Bishop Godfrey and the Jesuit Provincial Changa from attending it. Accomodation was provided in the Hostels of the school, and Mahila Mandal halls for those who stayed overnight. A community kitchen on the grounds of Jagruti High. School run by the Christian Brothers provided meals, tea and snacks for those who attended the sessions.

Credit for the obvious success of the function goes to the members of the Parish Council of Mandal and their parish priests, Frs. Kishore and Francis who met every month for a year to plan the event. They had the generous help and experience of Fr. James Vaz who had earlier staged the opening of the Year of Faith in Dadhwada. Those who had it generously lent their expertise to the different kinds of jobs that had to be done. It was heartening to see the enthusiasm and joyous spirit with which the lay leaders, men and women, went about the tasks they had planned and taken responsibility for with a minimum of supervision but with great joy and spirit. Fr. Francis also prepared a brand new choir of boys and girls and a group of altar servers that included girls in smart uniforms just for the occasion.. Fr. Jelastine used his expertise in Charismatic preaching, prayer and singing to prepare the parish for the event with retreats in the villages and aided the main preacher during the convention.

An offshoot of the event was the interest of the missionaries of South Gujarat in the missionary methods of the Ashram in Varanasi so well adapted to the culture and genius of the nation. Fr. Anil has agreed to return in the very near future to train the missionaries and lay leaders of South Gujarat in the methods he has developed. He stressed the importance of breaking the Word of God for the continued development of the faith of the people.

Please watch the convention


- Rev. Fr. Vally de Souza,
   Mandal - Gujarat

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