I know that many of you are eagerly waiting to hear the news of the earthquake in Chile. Thanks to all of you, who showed concern in our pain and fear. I am not able to communicate to all who wrote asking the situation in Chile. Here go our stories of sorrows and pain..........
27th of February at 3.35 a.m. we could feel little tremor but it went on increasing so rapidly that we three sisters could not come down easily from the first floor because the house was shaking so much. Any how after grate struggle we could come down dashing all over in the dark. With the noise of the earthquake and the shaking of the house everyone was panic. We were worried how to save 56 old ladies out of which only 17 are able to move. Since electricity never fails here they have no torches, no emergency lights were functioning. One side the ladies from all the three blocks were crying in fear and anxiety. We were really lost altogether. The things were falling so strongly that we thought let us face what comes to gather. After almost 8 minutes we felt that the earth was tired of her work and began breathing slowly and so we were there safe in her lap. Went around with the lighted candles to see how were our ladies. All were happy to see that we were with them many of them were unable to speak with the shock.
After 7 am. we went around in the house to see the damage.

We were sorry to see one big statue of our mother St. Teresa on the floor in to pieces to which many of our old ladies use to pray,

Many of our sisters still do not have any information from their families. Today I went with one of my sisters of the community to visit the house of our sister who is in far away community .I was sad to see her house.

But it is heart breaking to see the churches. Most of the Churches are collapsed.

Still we are living in panic because continuously we are experiencing the tremors.

Please continue praying for us. We can not reach out to more affected areas because of our work with the old ladies. Still there are so many villages that the help is not reached. We did not know also how much damage has taken place in the country. Because we did not have Television or the radio news. Just today's begun functioning the Media. It is said that the earthquake in Chile is 50 times more than Haiti.
-Nothing more. May God bless us all. Pushpa c.m.
Courtesy: Mr.Jagdish Christian
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