Sunday, March 28, 2010

Late Josephbhai Macwan (The Lost Pearl)

Dear all,

Our Society has lost the precious pearl Late Josephbhai Macwan the Gujarati author.

Please find the below given film of Late Josephbhai Macwan (The Lost Pearl). This film contains a few video clips of his last journey to God

Would request you to forward this video to all our fellow brothers and sisters. Thank you very much.

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9 Add comments:

  1. it is very sad news for me and for all gujarati community. joseph saheb visit us in USA in 1989. and he was our gaust for 10 days. very nice person we are closed as friends. i was married 1981 that time he was live next to my father-in-law Pius Mahiji Parmar hose in Bank coloney. Gamdi Anand
    Condolance to all Joseph bhaiRIP's family members

  2. Great Job Vijaybhai in bringing the up-to-date info about Joseph saaheb. Keep up the good work.

    Thanks & kind regards,

    Francis Christian (Calgary, Canada)

  3. Dear Vijaybhai,
    We really appreciate your efforts to keep us in touch with our motherland. Your capturing of the daily news and events are commandable and thanks for keeping us updated. We do really stay tuned and remain connected with our home country through your blogspot.
    Keep up the good work.
    Sunil Vania- Toronto

  4. dear vijaybhai..
    thanks for the information abt gr8 Josephbhai..i appriciate your effort..keep it up..
    agnes kirit

  5. Dear Vijaybhai,
    Thanks a lot for all efforts and hard work that you put in to keep us updated. Keep up the good work. I am kind of getting hooked on to your daily blogs. Your last news coverage about Josephsaheb was extremely helpful to all of us community members in Canada.
    Wish you all the best in your mission.

    Sunita Francis-Toronto

  6. Gujarati people have lost the real pearl today, we are not gonna get, such a person like him. I am one of the big fan of him. My prayer for him from the bottom of my heart.

    - dendenish

  7. Hearty condolences on the death of Mr Josephbhai Macwan. may his soull rest in peace. And his writings will rouse many more hearts to lead lives worthy of God's children. The greatest gift God gives to writers is they continue to live through what they have written. Is it not a blessing? May God bless all those who know him. Devadhas SJ (

  8. Salil Dalal (Toronto)April 2, 2010 at 10:01 AM

    Thank you for this clip... could watch the last rites of my elder friend Josephbhai here in Canada. He was a very dear literary friend in my hometown Anand. Had met his daughter here in Toronto a few months back at our common friends Kiritbhai and Agnes.
    My Sincere condolences to his family on this great loss.
    -Salil Dalal

  9. Dear family of Mr.Joseph Macwan

    im really sori to know about His Journey to our fathers house..hearty condolence to all of you.i don't know him personally but i know he is my aunty Kokila's elder Brother.I prayed for all of you to give strength in the time of this lost pearl.we will remember him all the time for his marvelous service to the brethren on the earth,and may his soul rest in peace and he may ask blessing from our Father from heaven to carry out our daily life on earthy.with Hope ...

    May God be at your side during this time of pain and sorrow..

    With Prayers
    Sr.Usha Mathias macwan


Thank you and stay connected