Monday, February 20, 2012

Annual SOCOM Meet-2012

Please click on the video for Annual SOCOM Meet-2012

Devdan Sanchar Kendra, Chanda
February 18th and 19th, 2012

The Annual Meeting for Social Communications (SOCOM) of the Western Region Catholic Bishops Council (WRCBC) was held at Devdan Sanchar Kendra (Pastoral Centre), Diocese of Chanda on February 18th and 19th, 2012. This was the 12th consecutive Annual Regional Meeting.

There were 26 participants (including Archbishop Stanny of Gandhinagar, Bishop Godfrey of Baroda and Bishop Vijay Anand of Chanda) representing the Dioceses of Ahmedabad, Amravati, Baroda, Chanda, Gandhinagar, Kalyan, Nagpur and Sindhudurg. (App. I List of Participants)

In keeping with the Pope’s message for World Communications Day 2012, the theme of our Annual SOCOM Meeting was: “Silence and Word: Path of Evangelization”.

This year being the Golden Jubilee Year of the Chanda Diocese, Bishop Vijay Anand Nedumpuram CMI, Bishop of Chanda presiding over the Inaugural Eucharistic Celebration, warmly welcomed all the participants to his Diocese and felt it was a privilege that so many had come to the remote corner of the region..  Communications, he said, is key to the ministry of evangelization in the Church and this is what the Holy Father exhorts us to do in his message for the year.  Bishop Vijay Anand also referred to the CBCI Statement “The Church’s Role for a Better India” and felt that Catholic Communicators also have a special responsibility in this.

The Eucharist Celebration was in the Syrian rite, in Hindi and meaningfully interspersed with dances and songs.

 This was followed by the Inaugural ceremony with the lighting of the lamp and a lovely prayer dance.  The host, Fr. Tomy Chittinapilly, Director of SOCOM Chanda, then welcomed the participants saying that they were all happy that Chanda was chosen as the venue in the Golden Jubilee Year of the Diocese.  All the participants were then felicitated.

Fr. Tomy then introduced the speaker Mr. Balhungud, the President of the Chandrapur Shramik Patrakar Sangh who delivered the keynote address on “The Role of Media Today”. Drawing from his years of experience as the print journalist in the remote areas of central India, Mr. Balhungud highlighted the important role that media plays in keeping people informed of the reality of society. He gave the participants, the example of a little newsletter ‘Kesri’ published by Lokmanya Tilak from Pune in pre-Independent India and the tremendous impact it had on the minds and lives of the people at that time. On the other hand, he said, media personnel are also very vulnerable and often get co-opted by powerful vested interests. He elaborated of how “paid journalism” literally rules the roost in several areas today.

Responding to Mr. Balhungud’s address, Bishop Godfrey de Rozario sj, the Chairman of SOCOM (WRCBC) felt that the need of the hour was authenticity and integrity for all Communicators. He cited instances of how because of the stand of the media, several ills of society and also the failings of the Government have been highlighted. Thanks to the media he said, civil society members are also engaged in several important issues but all of us have to remain vigilant for a better society in India.

The participants next gathered for the working session.  At the outset, Fr. Cedric Prakash (Secretary of SOCOM WRCBC), explained the dynamics / programme of the meeting and why it was important for each one of us to be very Communicative, Participative and Unafraid (CPU) during these two days.  Fr. Prakash next presented a paper entitled, “Challenges to Catholic Social Communicators of the Western Region” (App. II).  Some discussions then followed.

Diocesan SOCOM Reports were then presented by the Directors / Representatives of each of the Dioceses present. While four of the Dioceses did give elaborate presentations of the voluminous nature of work undertaken in Social Communications during the year, the four other Dioceses presented very superficial Reports. However, the general feeling was that much good work was being done in many parts of the Western Region but much more needs to be done.

Being the Golden Jubilee Year of the Chanda Diocese, the participants were then presented with a very meaningful docu-dance drama “Discovery of Chanda” directed by Fr. Tomy Chittinapilly. All were very appreciative of the efforts that were put in for this unique performance.

After supper, “Parzania” (directed by Rahul Dholakia) a very powerful film on the Gujarat Carnage 2002 was shown to the participants.

On the second day (February 19th) Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandes presided over the Eucharistic Celebration and in an inspiring homily to all the participants urged them to do more, to bring God’s grace and healing to the world we live in.

In the first session of the morning following a prayer in Konkani led by the Sindhudurg group, the participants spent some time on a feedback session of the previous day. There was a general feeling of a day well spent in meaningful interactions and learning.  The movie also had a profound impact on many!

Fr. Cedric then highlighted certain dimensions of Social Communications. He said that the “Social Communications first found expression in the Vatican II document “Inter Mirifica”. Social Communications, he said, is the need and importance for the Church to respond / take a stand on the realities of our times bringing into this response a specifically Christian and Prophetic dimension.

The participants next spent some time in groups reading the reflecting on the Holy Fathers Message for the 46th World Communications Day on the theme “Silence and Word: Path of Evangelization”. They then shared with one another the highlights of this message by ways with which they could internalize it and possible activities which they could undertake in their respective Dioceses to mainstream this message and to create greater ownership of this message among all stakeholders.

The Report of the previous SOCOM meeting held in Sindhudurg on February 5th and 6th 2011 was then read out.  Each of the Dioceses present at that meeting and (and present now) were given copies of their respective ‘Plans of Action’.  Dioceses then spent sometime formulating their Plan of Action for the next one year. These were shared with the wider group (App. III).

The final session was devoted to a feedback / evaluation:
  • most were very appreciative and grateful for the meeting
  • they learnt much from the activities done in the other dioceses, the content of the meeting and the process
  • there was a great bonding among the members
  • most regretted the absence of the Dioceses that did not participate and also felt that all should come on time for such meetings and should not leave before the conclusion of the meet
In his concluding remarks, the Chairman Bishop Godfrey expressed his happiness at the positive feeling that this meeting had generated among the participants. He referred to the challenge made by Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace who urged the Bishops of India to lead Social Transformation in the country. Bishop Godfrey thanked Fr. Tomy, Bishop Vijay Anand and the Diocese of Chanda for their welcome and hospitality and also thanked all the participants for this wonderful meeting. He was also grateful that Archbishop Stanny participated. He promised to contact all the Bishops of the region to ensure 100% for the next meeting.

Report By
Rev Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ (Secretary of SOCOM WRCBC)
Video By

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1 Add comments:

  1. hello vijay
    thanks for beautiful video which gives a gist of whole socom meeting. you have done good work. keep it up and may God bless you to spread the Good News through the ministry which you are doing. thanks.


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