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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Celebration and Baptism at St. Joseph's Church, Vadodara

Please click Dear All Happy Easter to all of you Please click on the link for photos Easter Celebration and Baptism at St. Joseph's Church, Vadodara ...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Sunday- Meeting the Risen Lord

Easter Sunday  Meeting the Risen Lord John 20, 1-9  According to the account of John, Mary of Magdala is the first to go to the sepulcher while it is still dark, and disconsolate, she finds it empty. She is missing Jesus, the Teacher who had understood and healed her;...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday in Gamdi-Anand

Please click on the video  આજે પવિત્ર શુક્રવારને રોજ મોટી સંખ્યામાં ભક્તજનો ગામડી-આણંદમાં આવ્યા હતા. આ સમયે ઘણા લોકોએ પ્રાયશ્ચિત કર્યું હતું અને ત્યારબાદ પવિત્ર વિધિમાં ભાગ લીધો હતો  Please click on the link for Good Friday photos Good Friday Photos -B...

Way of the Cross - Mission Road - Nadiad

Please click on the video for Way of the Cross which was organized by Youth of Catholic Church, Mission Road, Nadiad Video Arvindbhai Dabhi, Nadiad...

Isu bolya lo juvo and Last supper in Mission Road, Nadiad.

Please click  on the video for hymn  Isu bolya lo juvo and Last supper in Mission Road, Nadiad. Please click the below given link for photos Maundy Thursday at Mission Road, Nadiad - B...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Holy Priesthood - called by God

Please click on video   This sacrament is also sent from God. It was established by Christ with the calling of His disciples, giving them the authority to loose and bind the sins of the people, and sending the Holy Spirit upon them on the day of Pentecost. The Apostles were the only...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Lent is Spring, A Lenten Reflection By Rev. Fr. Vinayak Jadav S.J.

તપઋતુ એટલે વસંતઋતુ  અને શણગારની ઋતુ  આ બોધ સંભાળવા માટે વીડિઓ ઉપર ક્લિક કરશો     Lent is Spring, A Lenten Reflection By Rev. Fr. Vinayak Jadav S.J. Please click on the video Kindly let us know if you require all episodes of Lenten Massages in DVD Please contact Email: bbnbhumel@gmail.com           vijaybbn@gmail.com - BB...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Women's Rally in Kapadvanj organized by Don Bosco

Please click on the video to watch the 600 women's rally in Kapadvanj, Gujarat.    ગઈકાલે  કપડવંજમાં DRISTI  (Don Bosco Roral Integral Social Training Institute)ડોન બોસ્કો દ્વારા મહિલાઓને માન, સન્માન અને રક્ષણ મળે તે માટે ભવ્ય રેલીનું આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું . આ...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Priest To Pontiff - Pope Francis

In this 1966 photo released by the El Salvador School, Argentine seminarian Jorge Mario Bergoglio smiles for a portrait at the El Salvador school where he taught literature and psychology in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Bergoglio was elected pope on Wednesday, March 13, 2013, making him the first pope...

Pope Francis' fisherman's ring Live from St. Peter’s basilica

The fisherman’s ring which Pope Francis receives at his installation mass at St. Peter’s basilica Please click on the link to watch Pope Francis' fisherman's ring Source Vatican Rad...

Upcoming Activities of the Holy Father

Vatican City,  19 March, Tuesday: 9:30am, Eucharistic celebration to inaugurate the Petrine ministry in St. Peter's Square (Entrance into the square will be permitted beginning at 6:30am. No tickets will be issued for that Mass. All who wish may attend.) Afterwards, before the Altar of the...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Religious get together in Anklav - આંકલાવના મેળાની ઝાંખી

 A lot of pilgrims come walking with cross to represent the place they come from and keep at Anklav Shrine. The pilgrims say group prayers especially Way of the Cross with groups in the church campus. Please click on the video,  Video with a beautiful hymn 'vate vade Isu vate vade"   આંકલાવના...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

1.2 billion Roman Catholics have first Latin American and first Jesuit Pope

Jorge Mario Bergoglio New Pope Francis VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina was elected, becoming the first non-European pontiff in nearly 1,300 years. Pope Francis, 76, appeared on the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica just over an hour after white smoke poured from...

"Habemus Papam" - "We have a pope" - New Pope elected at the Vatican

White smoke: New Pope elected at the Vatican Vatican City: The Catholic church has chosen a new pope. White smoke is billowing from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel, meaning 115 cardinals in a papal conclave have elected a new leader for the world's 1.2 billion Catholics. (Buzz on Twitter) The new pope is expected to appear on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica within an hour, after a church...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Documentary of Mother Mary Shrine, Katkuva By Rev. Fr. James Vas S.J.(Dadhvada)

Please click on the video for Documentary of Mother Mary Shrine, Katkuva  By Rev. Fr. James Vas S.J.(Dadhvada)   દક્ષીણ ગુજરાતમાં દઢવાળા તાબામાં આવેલ કાટકુવા ગામે ચરોતર પંથકથી માંડી અને ગુજરાતના અન્ય શહેરો અને ગામડાઓમાંથી લોકો દર્શનાર્થે મોટી સંખ્યામાં જાય...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

International Women's Day 2013 - Hangati- Mandal-Vyara

‘Sahkar Narino Dhabkar’ Please click on the video  International Women’s Day 2013  (‘Sahkar Narino Dhabkar’): Hangati Mahila Mandals began in 1996. It began to get the women out of the four walls of the house and to help them regain their lost dignity as persons. We began...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Catechist Jalaram S. Vasava, Zankhvav - ઝંખવાવના ધર્મ શિક્ષક જલારામ એસ. વસવા

 ઝંખવાવના ધર્મ શિક્ષક જલારામ એસ. વસવા ધર્મસભામાં કાર્યરત રહ્યા છે. પ્રભુ સેવા તેમના માટે એક ઉત્તમ જીવન રહ્યું છે તે અહી રજુ કરે છે તે માટે વીડિઓ નિહાળશો.  Support Francis Parmar B...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Passed away - Late Savitaben Basil Parmar

સ્વ. સવિતાબેન બાસીલ પરમારનું  આજ રોજ તા 01-03-2013 ના રોજ અવસાન થયું. તા 02-03-2013 સવારે આઠ વાગે તેમની દફનવિધિ રાખવામાં આવી છે. પ્રભુ તેમના આત્માને શાંતિ અર્પે.    Click on the photo to enlarge   Soon after conclusion of Doot Centenary Celebration in January 2011 Savitaben...