Sunday, May 4, 2014

Recruitment seminar for youth organized by BBN and GJYM

 Life is good! It is not just a commercial tag line but an experience of 51 youth who had gathered on Saturday at St. Mary’s, Nadiad - Gujarat. 

 Gujarat Jesuits Youth Ministry (GJYM) and Bhumel Broadcasting Network (BBN) an initiative of Vijay  Macwan - now known as Vijay BBN and Ahmedabad based 'Ascendum' a BPO company had organized interviews and a selection seminar for the youth of Nadiad and Anand area yesterday on 3-May-2014.

 51 youth appeared for the interview. They were initiated in the process by Fr. Vijay D'souza and AGSDM team. Vijay BBN gave an introduction about BBN and our collaborative venture. Mr. Hitendra Solanki the Operation Manger of the company gave complete explanation and the benefits about the BPO. He made all the participants aware about the career opportunities in BPO sector. Vijay BBN who has worked in the same company for ten years briefed them about his positive experience. Few of them were not sure of appearing for on the spot interview but got courage to appear for the same after Vijay’s sharing. All the participants appeared for the interview. 17 of them got appointment letter on the spot. 13 of them are called for the interview to Ahemadabad later. Few of them will be called personally by the manger. Only four of them were underage so could not be selected .

 We could see the happiness of getting job with good packages in every selected youth. One of them said, After my graduation i tried to get a job to help my family, but never got a job, and thanks to BBN and GJYM for arranging such seminar"  

 This was the first attempt of organizing such seminar by BBN and GJYM. This collaborative venture will plan such many programs for our youth in future. Thanks to Fr. Rocky Pinto (The Principal of St. Mary’s) and his community for giving us place and other comforts.

Special thanks to Mr. Hitendra Solanki ( Operation Manager - Ascendum ) for collaborating with BBN and GJYM

- Taral Parmar

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2 Add comments:

  1. Many congratulations to BBN and GJYM. During the time when our youth is roaming jobless, you have crafted a path. Once again, congratulations and keep it up !!!!!!! - Rajesh Christian

  2. Congrets,,! One of the my freind open his bussines as web design and relaed other resources. More thaN 70 nos of employees engaged. He is only 28 yrs, here in 8aroda.

    Francis Bruno


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