Today is 03-July-2014, The Feast Of St. Thomas,
Wish you a very happy feast to all of you.
Nyay Darshan
Wish you a very happy feast to all of you.
Nyay Darshan
Nizampura, Vadodara
A day of Convocation for Para - legal students of the batch of 2013-2014. Indeed it was a day of great joy for all of us at Nyay Darshan where 10 of our students have successfully completed one - year Para – legal course. The training consisted of 5 weeks of classes spread over the year with its practical aspect of various visits to courts and police stations. The course was well organized by Fr. P. D. Matthew S. J. and his team of lawyers.
We welcomed the Guest warmly. Prayer song was sang by the students to implore God’s blessings on us. Lighting of lamp was done by the dignitaries symbolizing God’s presence in the midst of us giving the importance to education which is light and life than ignorance which leads us to darkness and death.
Fr. P. D. Matthew explained in brief about the course, its content, values based on secular spirituality and emphasized the urgent need of empowering the people who are exploited in the society by the powerful, rich and corrupt people. Also he encouraged the students, who inspite of their daily apostolic ministries, were able to cope up with the studies, 4 written examinations, and viva of the full course in front of the Board of experts. He also encouraged others to join this course in order to continue the work of Jesus proclaiming the good news of human rights, practicing social justice, eliminating inequality and assuring the dignity of the human being especially of the weaker section of the society.
Rev. Vincent Mookan, Sr. Rekha Parmar and Sr. Regina Senapati expressed their feelings and shared their learning experiences which enriched them with legal knowledge and spiritual values. All felt that it is worthwhile to undergo the pain of studies to empower the weaker sections of society.
The certificates were distributed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Godfrey de Rozario S. J. He emphasized in his speech the value of knowledge utilized rather than burying and keeping in the closed confines of four walls. “We need to feel the pain and sufferings of the exploited and need to cultivate the sensitivity towards the poor and most needy and empower them to affirm their rights” he said and exhorted us to acquire a universal heart that embraces whole humanity irrespective of caste, colour, creed, gender and place of birth.
The programme was concluded by singing National Anthem joyfully and vote of thanks given by Sr. Kundan W. Parmar and Sr. Maria Macwan.
Sr. Kundan William Parmar (Srs. of Charity of St. Anne)
Jai Hind!
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