Saturday, October 25, 2014

Umreth Deanery Youth Seminar 2014

Umreth Deanery Youth Seminar Inaugurated on 24--10-2014 at Kapadvanj

 Umreth Deanery Youth Seminar Inaugurated on 24-10-2014 at Kapadvanj

Don Bosco Kapadvanj inaugurated the youth seminar organized for 86 youngsters who came from the various parts of the Deanery of Umreth in Ahemdabad.
The inauguration took place as a part of the Eucharistic celebration in Don Bosco Kapadvanj.

Present for the Eucharistic celebration were the Rector of the institute, Fr Ivan De Souza, the Diocesan Youth Coordinator, Fr. Sandeep Madhukar who officially  inaugurated the youth seminar before Eucharist and the Deanery Youth Coordinator Fr. Mayank  Parmar.

The four day youth camp, kick started with the Eucharistic celebration in Gujarati and the symbolic lighting of the lamp. Different Youth representatives from the various regions were called upon for the lighting of the lamp.

The theme of the Youth Camp, ‘Youth and Family Life’ was highlighted in the homily and in the backdrop. All the talks and activities will be centred towards it. The motivational session was conducted by Mr. Hasmukh Vaghela from Nadiad.

“We are happy to have a Youth Camp that has us in mind” asserted SwapnilPatelia, a youngster from the parish of  Umreth, “we look forward towards fun-filled four days in Kapadvanj.”

“This is our contribution towards the catechesis of youth in the diocese” said Br Jerome Edison, a Salesian, “this forms a part of the vocation promotion in the region.”

The Camp also formed a part of the Bi- centenary project the Gujrat region.Today there will be Katha by Rev. Fr. Ignas Canis at 9:00. It will be available on BBN soon. Stay tuned


- Fr. Mayank Parmar

The Religious story telling (Katha) by Rev. Fr. Ignas Canis was at 9:00 pm. It will be available on BBN soon. Stay tuned

Please click the below given link for more photos 


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1 Add comments:

  1. really this brings happiness and oneness in our community


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