Day 2
Family and Youth
The Day began with the Meditation on “listening to Nature’s
voice” by Fr. Mayank Parmar sdb at 7.00 a.m. This was followed by Break Fast.
The First Session of the day started at 8.30 am. The Topic of
the session was “Generation Gap” dealt by
Mr. Rajesh Christian. By making use
of video clips and interaction, he brought to the notice of the youth the
reasons behind the generation gap. Style
of thinking, lack of communication and whatever we do is the right thing were
some of the important among many reasons for generation gap. He suggested
developing Love relationship is the only way of minimizing the generation gap.
He also informed the youth in detail how to develop love relationship with
senior person. The session was very much appreciated by the youth.
Then, Mr. Shailesh Christy addressed the youth on the topic
“Youth with Parents”. He made youth reflect and think on points as being Truthful
to parents, difficulties in facing parents, Communication, understanding, Love
and surrendering oneself to their parents. He brought out very clearly the
aspect of surrendering to the parents and being truthful to the parents in a
very special way so that the rest will fall in place.
Fr. Isaac sdb the Dean of the Umreth Deanery was the main
celebrant of the day. In his Homily, he cited examples of youth struggling in
their life and the problems they face. He told the youth that the family prays
together stays together. He appealed youth to keep God as the center of their
After a good meal, Youth were back for post lunch session.
Fr. Joseph Appao the Director of The Kaira Social Service Centre kept youth
alive with his interactive session on the topic “Family and Society”. He spoke
on the challenges faced by families as the social norms are changing. He
advised youth on keeping the value system clear in all changes which are taking
At 3.30 pm, the panel discussion was held. Frs. Joseph Appao,
Isaac Arackaparambil sdb, Mr and Mrs. Christy, and Ms. Nirmala Macwan formed
the panel. Fr. Mayank moderated the discussion. Youth asked questions regarding
Marriage problems, Social taboos, Church Rules and Regulation for Marriage and
Sacraments. They also voiced out their concerned on the persecution taking
place in different parts of the world. It was really lively session.
Then the outdoor games were conducted by Bros. Jerome and
Rohan. They were also given some time to practice for the camp fire.
The evening session was conducted by Fr. Isaac sdb on “The
Church and Family”. Fr. Isaac taught the youth on how family is very important
unit for the church. He also mentioned the Church’s position on Family life. It
was really nice to see many youth participating actively in asking many
After the Supper, Grand Camp fire was organized. The group
was divided into six teams. They performed addvertisements and skits very
creatively. Various claps and yells made the camp fire alive.
Day -3
The day began with ‘the Lamp Meditation.’ The campers were asked to sit in circles according to their groups, and were asked to meditate on the lamp which was kept in between them. The theme of the meditation was ‘I am the light of the World’. It was conducted by Bro. Rohan SDB. The resource person Fr. Rappai SJ and his team, took off with sessions on Ecology and Ecosophy.
The first half of the day, the spokesperson used dialectic method, and he elicited the views of the participants on the subject. He asked them to draw things related to the biosphere on a piece of paper and then as they finished, he asked them to explain their drawings, and pinned them up on a tree which he had drawn on the chart paper.
Later, the session continued with the nature walk in which Mr. Jyothi took them on a tour around the campus. He showed them the various trees which were around the campus.
He particularly emphasized on the Arjuna tree which was abundant in our campus. Also as he pointed towards the other trees like bamboo shoots, tamarind, Neem, Jamun etc.and plants like shoe-fower, hibiscus, and aloe-vera, he mentioned their advantages, their contribution to the bio-sphere and in a special way, their medicinal effects on the human body. As he concluded with the nature walk, he led the students towards another visual round in which he educated the students by way of videos about ecology.
Just before the lunch, the Arch Bishop of the Gandhinagar diocese, Most Rev. Stanislaus Fernanades SJ visited us and addressed everyone.
The first half of the day, the spokesperson used dialectic method, and he elicited the views of the participants on the subject. He asked them to draw things related to the biosphere on a piece of paper and then as they finished, he asked them to explain their drawings, and pinned them up on a tree which he had drawn on the chart paper.
Later, the session continued with the nature walk in which Mr. Jyothi took them on a tour around the campus. He showed them the various trees which were around the campus.

Just before the lunch, the Arch Bishop of the Gandhinagar diocese, Most Rev. Stanislaus Fernanades SJ visited us and addressed everyone.
After lunch and a short recreation, the participants moved towards the auditorium for the contintuation of the session. With variety of activities the youngsters were kept busy. The final session of the Ecological inputs was under the title, ‘Youth and the Enviroment’.
We then moved for the Eucharistic Celebration in the lawn at 6.00 pm. The Eucharist was animated in a way, so as to be solemn and make us feel to care for the nature. Mr. Jashvant Macwan briefed the youth on the importance of the Divine Mercy rosary. Then the prayer was said.
The day ended with a talent show in which the participants came up to sing their own songs. The accompaniment was provided by a professional group from Nadiad. After the talent show, everyone participated and enjoyed in the garba and the dance session, which was very youthful, lively and enjoyable. We ended the day at 12.15 am. The day was really a memorable one for all.
We then moved for the Eucharistic Celebration in the lawn at 6.00 pm. The Eucharist was animated in a way, so as to be solemn and make us feel to care for the nature. Mr. Jashvant Macwan briefed the youth on the importance of the Divine Mercy rosary. Then the prayer was said.
The day ended with a talent show in which the participants came up to sing their own songs. The accompaniment was provided by a professional group from Nadiad. After the talent show, everyone participated and enjoyed in the garba and the dance session, which was very youthful, lively and enjoyable. We ended the day at 12.15 am. The day was really a memorable one for all.
- Fr. Mayank Parmar
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