Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Church",Of the people,By the people-1

Bhumel is a historical place between Nadiad and Anand. The first missionary Fr. Manuel Xavier Gomes arrived in Mogri village and then he traveled to Bhumel wherein he stayed and bought a house and from there he visited the villages near by. After sometimes he moved to Gamdi-Anand and established the mission near Railways.

The missionary left Bhumel physically years ago but his Divine presence and FAITH he left has now grown to 60 families around 250 Catholics.

Why I write is the reason that Bhumel is the place where the real Christianity practiced even today. You can view my other bloggs of Bhumel wherein the active practices are felt and seen. It is not only the activities they do and celebrate festivals but even the people are concerned about the spirituality, financial needs, and growth of women. To fulfill one of these concerns, the writer of the blog himself well thought-out for children committee in year 1994 and there the small children committee began their first ministry by conducting prayers in every house alternatively, and still they continue the same without fail. It was a prayer group of children and was bringing prayer awareness(Jagruti)to family (Parivar) by small Children(Bal) therefore was named Jagruti Bal Parivar and later on it was called and now known as JA.BA.PA.
The Ja.Ba.Pa now has grown in taking responsibilities of liturgy in mass, conducting Sunday school for bulding faith,arranging prayers for sick and on birthday ocasions and giving entertainment programs on festivals to unite every Catholic with the help of present President Shailesh S.Parmar.

There are other organizations like Punit Cross Mandal and Legion Of Mary which are also responsible of Faith for the village. Punit Cross Mandal is a group of young and elders which conducts prayers by singing songs of God with the help of classical music instruments. It is a wonderful prayer where people dance in it out of joy. Similarly Legion Of Mary is a group of men and women, they pray in every house especially for sick people by reading Bible and saying Rosary.
One of the villagers has taken initiative to short out financial and savings problem of Catholics by opening Sadbhavana Bachat Mandal. This helps people to manage their money transactions as some of them are farmers.

There is also a group called Sakhi Mandal. The group is organized by only women for the better panorama and growth of women. They are very active in every offices of church.

The above given photo is some of the members of JA.BA.PA and to your right you will find the present president of JA.BA.PA Shailesh S.Parmar
Please visit the following Blog to continue.

-Vijay Macwan (Bhumel)
Email Id: vijumac1111@gmail.com

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1 Add comments:

  1. Hi!

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    Kirit Dabhi


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