Saturday, January 30, 2010

Death note

Dear All,

This is to share with you a sad news. Pushpaben (Diwaliben),the mother of Fr.Jagdish Parmar S.J. (Darjeeling Province) passed away on Wednesday, 27th January.

The memorial Prayer meeting will be at their 24, Safalkunj, Maninagar, Ahmedabad residence on Sunday 31st January at 10am.

Fr. Jagdish reached home to be with the family and is in Gujarat till Wednesday, 3rd February.

May the soul of the departed rest in peace.

Fr. Jagdish Parmar SJ
St. Peter's catholic Church,
Namchi-737 126,
South Sikkim,India
Phone number 9924822982

-Vijay Macwan

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1 Add comments:

  1. My condelence to Fr. Jagdish & his family. May lord lent her his never ending peace.


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