But there is one more reason that we never think about it. Any guest comes to Gujarati house, he is always offered tea to welcome and show joy of receiving him. You can see and feel that Tea has taken place in our friend circle, in our life and in our culture.
Today increasing price rates of sugar,tea powder and milk in India have snatched off friend circle and our culture. Everybody has to think before drinking tea. The only possibility to drink tea is to have at home instead of at kitly or in public place because it is going to be costly. But by doing this I remember an excerpt someone said, “When you eat and drink, think that hungry people are poking their nose to the glass and watching you eating and drinking”. Watching them I feel I do not have any permanent solution for it. I feel one day Tea is going to disappear from our life and from our culture. But as Christian humanity, can’t we raise our hearts to do for permanent solution and save the disappearing a cup of tea culture? I would say let the cup of tea disappear from our friends, from our culture. Can’t we replace it by giving a cup of joy and love by caring our fellow brothers and sisters?
-Vijay Macwan(Bhumel)
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