Monday, February 1, 2010

Relic of venerable Fr.Agnel-1

Venerable Fr. Agnel was born 21st Jan 1869 at Anjuna in Goa. He was very holy person. He wanted to serve people of God. Having desire to become a priest he joined The Society of the Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier Pilar on 17th July 1887 in Goa, India. He was ordained on 24th September 1898.He began his ministry soon after his ordination. He almost spent his life in serving people especially sick and orphans and ill treated people. People liked his holiness and kindness. He was so holy that he was given responsibility of Spiritual Father for the missionaries and for the people.Fr. Agnel was also a good preacher. People flocked to listen to him whenever he celebrated mass. One day he was preaching suddenly he had severe pain in throat and could not speak. And the very next day he left the world for eternal peace on 20th November1927. He was so holy that people began to pray to God through him. There were many miracles worked by praying through him like a son was suffering from kidney his father Crystel D’melo from Mumbai, asked Fr.Agnel to take his request to God and it was fulfilled. Elisa D’costa from Panjim Goa whose girl was suffering from stone was cured when she prayed through Fr. Agnel.

There are many miracles worked through him and therefore he was given the place of venerable in church. The procedure of announcing him as saint is in process in Roam.

There are many places in India like Goa, and Bandra in Mumbai where his relic is given. One of them is Vadtal in Gujarat. Today also people all over Gujarat flock to visit and pray at the relic of venerable Fr.Agnel in Vadtal in Gujarat. The important is not only Christians visit him but even the nochristians visit and pray to God. Prayers and petitions are offered in Mass every Sunday and throughout the week. Two special Novenas are also conducted for the Beatification at Vadtal.

Let us be proud of venerable Fr.Agnel and pray to God that venerable Fr.Agnel soon be announced as Saint of India.

Please check the following post to see the photoes of the Relic of venerable Fr.Agnel at Vadtal in Gujarat.

-Vijay Macwan(Bhumel)

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