Monday, February 8, 2010

The Society Of St. Vincent The Paul

The Society Of St. Vincent the Paul is active all over the world. It is well known for helping poor and needy our christian fellow brothers and sisters.

The members of the Society take an oath to help and visit two poor and needy families once in a week.The Society also works in Kheda district.One of the members of the Society is Jaswantbhai L Macwan from Umreth.He is a teacher in St. Mary's school, Nadiad. Having zeal to serve people he spends time for them after his school hours and on Sundays.Through the society he does help poor and needy but being a teacher he also brings the awareness of education to our christian youth.

Discussing with Jaswantbhai L Macwan on telephonic interview he said that over the years the Society in India and in Gujarat has grown at a good and steady pace. Their membership in Gujarat has increased to around 158 and they have two conferences spread in Ahemadabad and kheda.In remote areas like Vata gaam near Nagara , khambhat,Matar and kheda villages that are unmarked even in maps are covered by them. he also said that their activities too have been diversified. From an organisation they focused on charity and meeting immediate needs,they do attend to immediate and short term needs, their focus today is on long term need; they plan and execute projects that would make their beneficiaries self reliant. They work on ways to help people regain faith, confidence and dignity.

Such a beautiful Society for our Christian fellow brothers and sisters.

-Vijay Macwan(Bhumel)

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1 Add comments:

  1. Very nice
    Would requrest you to update everyday some new articals.
    Saqib Shaikh


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