To build a church is easy but to build "Church" of the people, by the people and for the people is very hard but the pioneer catechists of Vadat parish have really fulfilled the same.
Fr. Willam S.J. released the "CATECHIST SMRUTIGRANTH" yesterday during the Sunday 8 O'clock Mass at Vadatal parish in Gujarat.
It was compiled by himself. The catechists who laboured with the pioneer missionaries in Gujarat to bring and spread the message of Christ were paid deserving tribute to their dedicated service in the missionary enterprise. Five who were present were felicitated after the Mass in the Church in the presence of all present. Fr William cherished their valuable service to our society, garlanded them and presented each one with a copy of the book published.
The catechists felt extremely happy seeing their service being appreciated. Similar programmes are to follow in other parishes. The book costs Rs 200/- but on this occasion it was sold only for Rs.150/-.
About Photo:
From left Fr.Stany, fr.William S.J.,Fr. Marteen and infront of them are the five catechists of Vadtal Parish.
-News and photoes by Fr William S.J.
Will be introducing each catechist separately soon. Keep reading
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