Monday, April 26, 2010

A Meditation

'We can only pray to change ourselves, not to change God'

When we pray do we ask God to make a situation different, to change somebody who we find difficult to bear, to fix what is broken, to provide what we can not? We all pray for these things with the simple faith of a child who turns to a parent in whom we can trust. After all, did Christ not say: '...Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you' (Luke 11:9)?

But what of asking God to change us? To bring us to a true conversion? Meditate on what it means to pray to God that we may be emptied of 'self', only to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Meditate on what it means to abandon oneself - one's ego, and to be empty in order to be filled only by God. Pray that God will fill you with the will to love Him above all others, to live so that everything you do is a prayer, that it be God's will and not our own that guides all that we do. God has promised to give you what you desire if it what He desires for you.When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we no longer feel the despair of carrying heavy burdens alone, nor do we feel helpless in our times of trail. Rather, we feel soothed and comforted by our God who takes all things and makes them new. To be empty of self frees one from the demands of the ego, of pride, of selfishness, and of our appetites. Are these not the things we often pray to be free of? And what better prayer to God than to offer Him the very body, mind and soul which he gave to us in order to do with as we will.

Give all your thoughts, your actions, your words, and your feelings to Mary Our Mother, and ask her to give them to her Son that He may take them and offer them as a prayer to our Father in Heaven. And as you empty yourself of 'self', praise God for His goodness and pray that He sends His spirit to dwell within you.

Courtesy: Joanne Saliba from Australia

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