This Great Day was venue in Fatima Church Kodambakkam, India ,Rev. Fr. parish priest was kind enough to accept to this rare celebrations, and shabnam resources took the mantle of responsibility on organizing and executing the event. we invited the Leaders of the Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, the brethren who presented themselves on the day were Respectful Shri.Harban singh Anand, secy of Gurudwara and Sikh foundation, professor Janab Abdul Khadir ,poet and exponent in Islamic and urdu studies, Ms. Kala dinakar of harmony of Hindu commune.

The setting was inside the Fatima church around 7.30 am on Jan 17th Sunday morning where the large gathering of more than 5000 parishioners and others present to welcome and participate in the Tamil mass. Joe arun (jesuit priest) director of inter dialogue cultural relations chennai india was the Main celebrant, the guests along with father, weekly animators, altar boys went as a procession towards the altar, the altar was well adorned with icons of the above religions. The special guests lighted the Big Light (traditional kuttuvillaku) symbolizing God is one with all religions. Later they were escorted to seats closest to altar. The Mass well began with special Hymns and readings well animated.
Rev. fr. Joe Arun in his Sermon , described about the incident in Mother Teresa’s congregation where a high level Government official was refused adoption from Mother Teresa’s congregation for the reason the prospective adopting couple were curious to know about the religion of the child and sisters of the congregation gave an appropriate reply stating ‘CHILD HOLDS NO RELIGION’

Later they were escorted among the congregation to the Entrance and every parishioner wished the special guests which brought tears of joy from the special guests . Believe it or not this was an univocal comment by all the special guests GOD IS PRESENT HERE . Please continue to pray for us.
In fraternity
News and Mass celebration photo by Dr.M.R.HUBERT
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