Thursday, May 13, 2010

“SHAKTI” Centre for Human Rights and People’s Empowerment.

We should be proud of our priests for the work they do for the greater Glory of God. Our priests are not limited.Fr. Shri Jebamalai Stanislaus is the example for the same he started the Trust called “SHAKTI” (Centre for Human Rights and People’s Empowerment).The SHAKTI Trust is in Songhad in Gujarat. The trust is near the border of Gujarat and Maharastra.Shri Jebamalai Stanislaus who is a Jesuit and Vice President of the Trust and Mr. Amrutbhai a lay person, is the Director of The Trust. Shri Jebamalai Stanislaus with the help of the Director Amrutbhai, is trying to reach out all Adivasi of Gujarat and Maharastra as well.

The dream of Gandhiji was:" Indian Independence must begin at the bottom.Thus, every village will be a republic or panchayat, having full powers.It follows, therefore, that every village has to be self-sustained and capable of managing its affairs, even to the extent of defending itself against the whole world..." the trust has been making efforts to make this dream come true.(To your right is Fr.Stany)

SHAKTI Trust was registered on 8th December 2006 as a Public and Charitable Trust under Bombay Public Trusts Act as well as Societies Registration Act. It was started to reach out to the people of Surat and Tapi Districts through Legal and Human Rights Education and awareness programmes. Also render support to other parts of Gujarat and India . This has branched out of Navsarjan Trust, Surat.(To your left is the Director Amrutbhai)

.....(To your left is Songhad)
1.1. VISION: To evolve a system where the Adivasis could live with dignity in all aspects of life: socio-economical, cultural, educational, political and religious 1.2. MISSION :To organize the Adivasis/marginalized, to promote, support and strengthen the i. People's Organizations (POs), ii. People's Movements (PMs), and iii. Grass root Groups

in order to fight against injustice and discrimination, to claim and enjoy their Human Rights and also work for its promotion, propagation and protection. This is a beautiful work Fr. Stany is doing for Christian and Non-Christian Adivasi. A lot many activities are done by SHAKTI.

Please click the below given link to know more

CLICK to Read more about SHAKTI Trust

All Human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. (UDHAR, Art-1)

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3 Add comments:

  1. Wonderful work. God bless all of you.

  2. Father,

    Go ahead our prayers our with you

  3. Fr.Stanny

    we need more priests like you with us


Thank you and stay connected