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Monday, January 31, 2011


January 30th - comes as a grim reminder that Mahatma Gandhi had to sacrifice his life for the sake of truth and non-violence. This reality, becomes a greater challenge to each one of us in India today, as scam after scam and violence of every nature, tumble out from the nation’s cupboard of skeletons....

Friday, January 28, 2011

Loyola ITI Sports Day_Nadiad

Loyola Training Centre, ITI organized sports day for its 220 young girls and boys students yesterday. The institution has government recognized courses like fitter, wireman, AOCP chemical,COPA computer and Front Office Management, Spoken English and DCA computer courses likewise these all the courses...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Religious Fair Baroda_નિરાધારોની માતાનો મેળો

Yesterday there was a religious fair in Baroda,Gujarat. Many people flocked at the Shrine of The Mother Of The Forsaken. The long lines of devotees waiting to see Mother Mary were the sign of Faith. All who came were given food by the parishioners. ગઈ કાલે વડોદરામાં નિરાધારોની માતાનો મેળો ધામ ધૂમથી...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Grand DOOT Celebration

Due to technical problem not able to provide you video. inconvenience is regretted.The Below given slideshow includes Doot Exhibition, Grand Mass celebration and Dance and Cultural programme.Please click to watch and shareMusic courtesyGurjarvani,Fr.Lucas and Late Shree Maniraj Bar...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Doot Exhibition

Please click to watch the Doot Exhibition in Anand as a part of Final Doot celebrat...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fr. Pariza SJ On Doot Final Celebration

Welcoming By Fr. Pariza...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Faith Formation Camp

Gandhinagar Archdiocese organized Faith Formation Camp. Three days shibir for the students of std VIII and IX were organized at Pastoral Centre, Pethapur, Gandhinagar. 38 students from various mission stations participated in the programme namely Gandhinagar, Radhanpur, Nanakantharia, Asal and Meghraj....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Release Of DOOT Centenary Commemorative Postage Stamp

Please watch the releasing function of Commemorative postage stamp of RS.5 denomination in honour of the DOOT centenary year at Loyola Hall, Ahmedabad and at Raj Bhavan by Gujarat Governor The Department Of Post(Philately Division) Government of India released nationwide yesterday a Commemorative postage...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Invitation for Postage Stamp of Doot

The ‘DOOT’ Centenary Committee cordially invites YOU to the Ceremony for the release of the ‘DOOT’ Centenary Commemorative Postage Stamp by Smt. Humera Ahmed Chief Post Master General of Gujarat in the presence of Rt. Rev. Thomas Macwan Bishop of Ahmedabad at the Loyola Golden Jubilee Auditorium,...

Monday, January 10, 2011


"COMPANION" National Fortnightly For Christian Leadership. Every Christian should read and share as it provides the knowledge of church and leadership.It is useful and worth reading. To subscribe or If you like to write on any issue please get in touch. Please mail to companionindia@yahoo.com OR srampickal@unigre.itBBN ministry is described on page no 32 in Jan issue COMPANION - Jan-2011View more...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Crib On Theme_"Doot" 100 Years

Please click to watch the beautiful crib on theme of Doot celebration.A big crib was made in Bhumel as they participated in State Level Crib Competition in Gujarat which was organized by Fr. Paresh (Youth Director) and Fr.Ashok (Gurjarvani Director) and team. Two themes, Youth year and "Doot" 100 years Celebration were given to participate for the competition. "Doot" is a monthly spiritual periodical...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Bhajan Mandali On Christmas

Devotional singing groupThe News is in English and in Gujaratiભજન મંડળીને નામે ઓળખાતી પ્રભુને ભજવાની આ પ્રણાલિકા લુપ્ત થતી જોવા મળે છે. ગુજરાતમાં ક્યાંક ક્યાંક તહેવાર નિમિતે જોવા મળતી આ પ્રણાલિકાનું અસ્તિત્વ હોમાય જાય નહિ તે માટે ખંભોળજ તાંબાના સભાપુરોહિત ફા. અરુલ અને ફા. વિક્રમ મહીડા દ્વારા આ સુંદર...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Shrine of Nagra_Nagra Medo

The shrine of Nagra, Khambhat.Nagra Medo is organized every year on 2nd of January.On the 2nd day of the year 2011, there was a big spiritual ocassion organised in the Shrine of Nagra, Khambhat parish. it was the Religious fair of Karunamayi Mata of Nagra, Khambhat. Khambhat is though close to Nadiad...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Community Celebration_Live Crib

ખુલ્લા દિલથી નાચતાં લોકો, બુઢા દહન અને નાગીન ડાન્સ આ વીડિઓનું મુખ્ય આકર્ષણ છે Must watch Cobra Dance at the end of the video ભૂમેલ ગામમાં જીવતું ગભાણ દરેક વર્ષે ભવ્ય ડાન્સ ગરબા અને સરઘસ સાથે કાઢવામાં આવે છે. આ સરઘસમાં દરેક ગામના લોકોને બાળ ઇસુના જન્મની અને નવા વર્ષની શુભેચ્છાઓ પાઠવવામાં આવે છે. ગામની...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Making of Vibrant Christmas

All over Gujarat Christmas week was celebrated this year with various programmes. A small tiny village known as Bhumel, also celebrated a vibrant Christmas throughout the week. This year's theme of celebration was "Making of vibrant Christmas" and it was celebrated by decorating the whole Christian...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ordination of Fr.Ashwin

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strenghtens Me ( Phill 4:13 Fr. Ashwin is a Gujarati from Nadiad Premal Jyoti Society. He was born on 1st April 1979. After he passed 10th class he chose to follow Christ and joined Don Bosco Order in 1995. After the long studies he was ordained as a Don Bosco...