Gandhinagar Archdiocese organized Faith Formation Camp.
Three days shibir for the students of std VIII and IX were organized at Pastoral Centre, Pethapur, Gandhinagar. 38 students from various mission stations participated in the programme namely Gandhinagar, Radhanpur, Nanakantharia, Asal and Meghraj.
The objective of the camp was to deepen their faith and see God’s call in their lives.

Frs. Isaac and Mayank was the resource person for these three days. They with their typical Salesian style of animating youngsters, made this camp a wonderful experience for the children. It was learning with fun. Sr. Roseline,ccv was the main coordinator for the same. Fr. Rocky the vicar General of the Archdiocese too was present and celebrated the concluding mass for the children and challenged them to live saintly life as Jesus directs them.
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Photos and news By Fr. Mayank SDB
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