Saturday, July 9, 2011

E-sermon By 95 Years old Fr. Pariza SJ

Rev.Fr. Pariza SJ
His Cycle never stopped  for spreading  the love and peace of Christ.

(Photo was clicked at the time of visiting people of Anand-Gamdi) Now does not ride.

Please click on the video for the e-sermon by Rev. Fr. Pariza SJ

Special thanks to Rev. Fr. Pariza SJ for the e-sermon

Photo By
Bro. Alpesh Chauhan SJ

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6 Add comments:

  1. "I remember him from Amod, when I used to visit my Great Grandpa's home during summer vacation! ખાસ તો ફાધરના બઁગલે રમવા જતા તે બહુ યાદ આવે છે!"

    - Ketan Christian

  2. "very nice massage and surprise that 95 yrs old Fr. still giveing massage of God .....Thanks and God Bless Fr,Pariza ."

    - Amrut Macwan

  3. "Great !! My dad is still having a picture with him when Fr was young and my dad was teenage !!! He is simply very simple !!!"

    - Walter Joseph Edward

  4. he is a gr8 man....till nw at 95yrs age...givs us proper way of life...."

    - Ankur Macwan

  5. "We Call Him the Youngest Priest in Anand Paris considering his real work. I think he is the only priest in Anand Paris who knows most of the families's heads by names and their native places. Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat."

    - Sukesh Imanuel

  6. "God has made a perfect instrument for his words praise the lord..."

    - Ajay Ciciliya


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