Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Spanish Missionary Rev. Fr. Ignacio Galdos S. J.

Spanish Missionary Rev. Fr. Ignacio Galdos S. J. who completed 50 Years recently in the Society Of Jesus, Gujarat.  

Please click to watch him.


  Fr. Galdos was born on the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, 31st July, in the year 1931. He joined the Society of Jesus on 3rd September 1949. In less than two years of his joining the society he set his foot in India on 21st December 1951. He did his humanity studies – Juniorate - at Vinayalaya, Bombay. He studied philosophy at DNC Pune. From the year 1956 – 1959 he did his Regency at Anand where he took care of the Boarding and taught Science at the School. He did his Theology studies at St. Mary’s – Kersiong. He was ordained on 24th March in the year 1962. He has just completed 50 golden years as a priest. In 1963, he was sent to Shembaganoor – Kodaikannal for Tertionship.

  Fr. Galdos is a missionary par excellence! In 1964 he reached Bharuch. Since then he has been toiling in South Gujarat and I am sure that he is eagerly waiting to celebrate his 50 years of missionary work in South Gujarat. He was Parish Priest of Bharuch from 1968 – 1971. Those days Zankvav and Dediapada and the sister missions of today were under Bharuch. From 1971 – 1979 he served as the Parish Priest of Zankvav and then of Unai for 22 long years. He has been the Parish priest of Baradipda since 2001.

  Fr. Galdos inaugurated the Isunath Mandir of Zankvav on 5th August 1979 and the Shurusti Ghan Mandir of Unai on 19th March 1994. Both of them are master pieces known for inculturation, architectural splendor, theological significance and contextual beauty which reflect the culture and customs of the people. There is one in the making in Baradipada. No doubt it will also be a master piece.

  In 1994, he got the approval for the Adivasi liturgy from Bishop Francis Braganza. Fr Galdos has built Adivasi Museums in Zankvav, Unai and Baradipada. The latest one of Baradipada has the state of the art artifacts. It was inaugurated by Mr Thusar Chaudhri, the central minister for Highways, Road and Transport.

We are privileged to have you here Fr. Galdos.

Report: Bro. David Roy S. J.

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