Thursday, June 14, 2012

Passed away_Sr. Delphine RJM_Vadodara

Sr. Delphine RJM, Passed Away
 Due to storm and heavy rain at our Studio yesterday, we are late to publish news and Daily Gujarati Bible podcast. Inconvenience is regretted.

Sr. Delphine RJM.  passed away on 12-06-2012.

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 Sr. Delphine (RJM) was born in the year 1955 and brought up in Mumbai, Sr. Delphine was the youngest of four children. She completed her education at St. Paul’s Convent School, Dadar in 1973 under the care of the Carmelite Sisters of Trivandrum. And it was while she was employed on the office staff of St. Ann’s High School, Mumbai that she was inspired to join the Congregation of Jesus and Mary. An exhibition on the life and works of St. Claudine which was put up in the school, highlighted the virtues of faith and forgiveness and this ignited the spark in her life and in 1978 she jointed the Religious of Jesus and Mary and made her first profession on 1st Feb. 1981.

She attributed her vocation to her mother and her sister Sr. Paul.

Sr. Dephine worked in Mussoorie, Ambala and Pune after which she was sent to Gujarat, Vadodara in 1993 as a Vocation Promoter. She worked as a Head mistress of the Primary School and simultaneously completed her M.A. she was appointed Principal in 1997 till date. She completed her Tertian ship in 2005.

 Her life has been as exemplary one an open book for one and all to read. Her religious life, she lived to the core, always without fail, bringing in Claudines ideals of love, compassion and forgiveness, so touched and inspired was she by our Mother Foundress. Her life of prayer was enhanced by her melodious singing. Her old Rugged cross still echoes in our ears.

 In her years spent in Baroda, Sr. Delphine had endeared herself to one and all.

Report: Mrs.Mary D'Souza S.J.

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3 Add comments:

  1. May her soul rest in Peace

  2. It was wonderful interacting with her and I know I will miss her presence immensely. Eternal rest grant unto her Oh Lord and let the perpetual light shine upon her always. May her soul rest in peace.

  3. Mr. Rev Vijya MM.
    I have observed that wiever for this sad news are nearly more than 1200peoples. It is amazing news that your e-ministry is beautiful work of Goodnews.
    I HAVE SENT e-mail to and he is also very much surprised by BBN, you may also send and keep him in touch Mr. Simon Philip.
    Let us pray each other and remeber late Rev Sr. Dolphine in our prayer at least two-seconds daily.

    Francis Bruno+
    Vadodara 21


Thank you and stay connected