Monday, June 18, 2012

Golden Jubilee_Rev.Fr. Devasia S.J.

Rev. Fr. Devasia Muthuplackal S.J.
Born in Kerala
Date of Birth:  20-12-1941
Joined the Society Of Jesus:  June,1961 
Ordained Year:  1974

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From the Letter Of Superior General, Adolfo Nicholas, S.J.Society Of Jesus.

 It is a cause of great joy for me to be able to greet you on the occasion of your Golden Jubilee as a Jesuit.I join you in thanking God for these past fifty years – and what a wonderful gift they have been! We must also be grateful for this vocation of yours, and thankful too, to the many people who have made this day possible: your parents, teachers, friends and fellow Jesuits.

  Inspired by the missionaries zeal of St. Francis Xavier you decided to join the Jesuits in Gujarat. During
your formation years you took interest in painting, drawing and music. This eventually led you to the communication ministry as your way of proclaiming the kingdom.

 “What we heard, seen and touched, we proclaim to you” has been the spirit behind your dedication to
the ministry of communication. In every project that you undertook, there was something to be discovered and to be created. The communication centre collaborated with Darpana Academy in staging “Snehna Shatdal”, a dance-drama based on the life of Christ which was staged in various important cities of Gujarat and also later televised on national TV. You devoted valuable time to training a large number of Catechist, Jesuit Scholastics, Brothers and Sisters of various religious Congregation in communication skills and offered this expertise even to institutions outside Gujarat.

  You are one of the Founding Fathers of the communication ministry in Gujarat which you started in Vadodara and continue to serve at Ahmedabad. At present your audio-visual communication activities are made available through the well-known centre Gurjarvani. Keeping pace with the electronic age, you have initiated many new services from Gurjarvani.

 Gurjarvani’s reputation for hospitality and availability to serve the communication ministry owes much
to your welcoming attitude and your readiness to respond to requests from various individual and groups. Perceived as a man of spiritual depth, many seek spiritual direction from you.

 I thank you, dear Father Devasia, on behalf of the Society, for the many and important ways in which you
have furthered the Society’s mission during these fifty years. I join my prayers with those of Jesuits throughout the world in asking the Lord’s particular favour for you during this year of jubilee, and, with your family and friends,thank God for the many blessing that have filled both your life and theirs. I commend the whole Society and myself to your own Masses and prayers.

Devotedly yours
Adolfo Nicholas, S.J.
Superior General

Special thanks to Rev. Fr. Devasia Muthuplackal S.J. and Gurjarvani Community.

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