Tuesday, September 11, 2012

“Milkman of India,” _Late Dr. Varghese Kurien

  Late Dr. Varghese Kurien “Father of the white revolution” and “Milkman of India,” the octogenarian was architect of ‘Operation Flood,” the largest dairy development program in the world. Dr. Kurien set up the Anand (County in Gujarat state of India) cooperative dairy development, engineered the white revolution and made India the largest milk producer in the world. Dr. Kurien, a master in science in Mechanical engineering from Michigan State University had set the rural economy of an Indian state in a momentum that never saw recession ever since 1949. He set up a processing plant for an infant cooperative milk producer’s union and marked the birth of grass-root development of dairy farmers in India.

 AMUL’s logo with four intertwined hands and “No co-operation, no salvation” motto is a symbol of corporate determination. AMUL is no more a dairy; it’s a myth in India’s economic history. If Milk is vital energy, AMUL is a social synergy. Millions of Indian farmers dreamt touching the stars but AMUL brought a whole milky way down to their door step. Thanks to the solitary Michigan master of mechanics.


 Late Dr.Varghese Kurien was a great friend of Rev. Bro. Abril S.J. Please click the video for the interview of Bro. Abril S.J. and the interview of his closest employee Mr. Francis Mascarenhas.

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 There are a few instances and experiences which I have heard from him as a friend -not always published in the media- which depict a bit more he "simple and utterly honest person he was at a personal level, yet ferrous in implementing his convictions."  In one of his latest interviews to the electronic media, when he received his last award, he was asked what he thinks that could be the secret to achieved all this "formidable" result in his life (white revolution, largest cooperative system in the world etc.) his answer was simple: "INTEGRITY". That is, I believe, the best expression of the Dr. Kurien I know as a "friend". He was a man of absolute integrity.

 From the beginning of his carrier as the milkman, Dr. Kurien won the total confidence and backing of the highest leaders of the country, -which he kept all along his active life- such as Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Morarji Desai and later on Advaniji several CMs of Gujarat etc. He respected and befriended them and cooperated fully with them to achieve his dream of making the farmers the owners of "AMUL" etc. But he stood firm when, on some occasion, he was asked to do something which went against his principles and convictions. When besides the milk, NDDB started marketing oil under the name of "Dhara" he got many enemies who had much to lose if the project succeeded. In fact, one of the persons whom he trusted and who cooperated with Dr. Kurien was Mr. Chhotani. On one occasion Chhotani was traveling by train and he was thrown out of the train by the -so was believed- opponents of the "Dhara" project. Mr. Chhotani survived but the incident did not intimidate Mr. Kurien who, many believed, could be the next target. It is to be noted that Dr. Kurien did not accept any bodyguard or personal protection at any time because he believed in his destiny and never lost his peace. But his oil project has also been a great success, thanks to his conviction and determination and his unquestionable support to his people against any outside interference.

 On one occasion I went to pay a visit to the Kuriens at their house. We were enjoying a cup of coffee when suddenly he got a phone call. All that I could hear from him was "yes, "no Sir" with absolute calm. When he put down the phone and re-joined us he said: "it was the CM requesting me to change the price of oil"... What did you say? -I asked him. "I said that I cannot change it" was his reply. And we went on with our coffee and our conversation. 

 Sometimes ago Dr. Kurien was appointed as Vice-chancellor of the Agricultural University, Anand. He reluctantly accepted the charge because he believed that the institution needed reforms which, possibly, he would not be allowed to do, at least to the level that he would have done. On one occasion some highly posted politician wished to have a function in the university campus to foster his own name and personality. Dr. Kurien thought that it wasn't necessary and besides it was against his principles and convenience of the university. Naturally he did not give the permission, in spite of great pressure and, as far as I remember, the function was never held at the University premises. By that time, due to this and other political interferences, Dr. Kurien was convinced that he could not carry his reformations and so he resigned from the post.

From Left: His daughter, wife and grand son  
 Dr. Kurien's only daughter, Nirmala, had finished her carrier and she applied for a job in NCDFI, a subsidiary of the AMUL family. Dr. Kurien was the chairman. When he came to know that Nirmala was given a Job in NCDFI he resigned. This created a real crisis. When asked why did he do that, his answer was simple: "my daughter has full right to find a job and build her life. But I do not wish to be the Charmin in the institution where she works" (or be pointed a finger for favoritism)... Naturally, Nirmala resigned and went to Madras to find a job, far from... Anand.

 On some other occasions Dr.Kurien became even more personal and, on my asking some confidential question, he explained to me how he had built the house he owns in Anand. He candidly admitted that he had an opportunity which he reluctantly accepted. The Law of "ceiling of urban land" was proclaimed in Gujarat. The Princess of Vadodara, who considered Dr. Kurien as a friend, offered a plot of the land she had to dispose of, to Dr. Kurien. At first he refused but on the insistence of the Princess he purchased it for about Re. four lacs. Within a short time that land was sold by him for Rs. 20 lacs and with that money he could build his house.

 About one year ago I had to travel to Madras for some business. Dr. and Mrs. kurien were there for him to recover from his sickness. I paid them a visit and had a nice evening with them. Nirmala has a "decent" (not spectacular) flat in Madras. It cost about Rs. 40 lacs. She confided to me that her father had not money to purchase it, so he had to take a "loan from his Provident Fund". Nirmala remarked: “Things could have different if my father had been other person”... Yes, It is not easy to find persons who manage billions or dollars/rupees as Dr. Kurien did, and resist the temptation of adding some to their personal accounts… But he would never go against his principles. And he knew that Mrs. Kurien and Nirmala stood by the same principles and supported him fully.

 Before putting these things into print or the media, I asked the consent of Nirmala and her mother to make these things public. They kindly agreed and Nirmala added something that I did not know: "even today my father does not own a car"... And again: "He proclaimed himself an atheist, but he was always guided by the Christian principles that he learnt along his studies in Christian schools and college(Loyola College,Madras, TN) ". Indeed, I am witness to the many times that he spoke to me of his experience in Loyola College, Madras, where he graduated under the guidance, experience and principles of some French and Indian Jesuits which, no doubt, influenced him for the rest of his life...  I wish that there were more KURIENS in India and elsewhere… 

Saul Abril SJ
Saint. Xavier's High School
Anand, Gujarat 388 001

Special thanks to Mr. Francis Mascarenhas
Photos: Mr. Ramesh Y. Parmar and BBN
Photo Design: BBN

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1 Add comments:

  1. Hi Vijay Saheb--I was shocked to hear the demise of our dear Dr Varghese Kurien. I don't know him personally, but I remember we family) had come to Karamsad, from Kenya, and Sister Jerome introduced us to Dr Kurien. ( I was, then, 24years old ). It was 1962, and Dr Kurien asked my two sisters ( Flora and Rita Macwan )if they would give English lessons to his daughter Nirmala. I just phoned my sister Rita and she says that everyday a car would come from Amul Dairy and take them to the Kurien house.They would teach Nirmala for an hour or so. Rita also told me that they were given refreshments and then driven back to Karamsad. I don't know if Nirmala or her mother would like to speak to Rita or Flora.Please pass my e-mail address to them if required. In the meantime, May Almighty God's peace be with him forever, AMEN.--Albert Macwan.


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