Monday, February 24, 2014

First Holy Communion day - Gamdi-Anand

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 Catholic Church Gamdi anand celebrated First Holy Communion day in the Parish on the 23rd of February, in which 55 Children from the Parish received for the first time Jesus in their heart. Their Joy was doubled with a Meaningfully celebrated Eucharist where Fr. Nagin was the main celebrant. Fr. Joseph assisted him at the alter and Fr. Maxim led faithful with simple but devotional hymns with the choir members. The Daughters of the Cross sisters had prepared these children for the past 1 month with the help of a couple of lay people so that everything went smoothly. While the Spiritual nourishment with the Eucharist took 1 and half hour meaningfully celebrated in the church, there was a surprise for the new communicants. For the first time there was SAMUHIK CELEBRATION.

 Thirty five Children beautifully dressed in white marched towards the entrance of the Mandap to be greeted by the Gujarat Catholic Samaj, Anand Members with a Rose to each one and in line they marched to the mandap with Fr. Nagin and Fr. Maxim assisting them. After a brief introduction and Thanksgiving for the benefactors, photo session, Fr. Nagin led the whole gathering into a prayerful mood for the blessing of the food. There were about 1000 people according to the numbers given by different parents of the communicants. Although all communicants did not join this venture of Samuhik celebration, it is a nice thought from the point view of Catholic Samaj to keep celebration in Common so that unnecessary expenditure can be curtailed and not so well to do families and especially the communicants feel satisfied that they had a meaningful celebration.

 It was indeed a celebration in spiritual atmosphere and KUDOS to Catholic Samaj Anand, which took the initiative to start this venture. I hope, more and more such Common celebrations continue and spiritual atmosphere Kept alive!!!

- Fr.Maxim Crasta

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